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November 19-20, 2018 Paris, France



Global summit on Climate Change

Volume 9

Climate Change Summit 2018

Journal of Earth Science & Climate Change | ISSN : 2157-7617

Colloidal stability of eco-friendly sustainable asphalt binder prepared

using different waste polymers for different climates


co-friendly and sustainable asphalt can be obtained using waste polymers recycled

industry and cause severe environmental and climatic problems. In this paper, we

studied the effect of waste polymers of different nature and different composition on the

colloidal stability of environmentally friendly asphalt for application in different climatic

environments. The waste high density polyethylene (WHDPE), waste poly propylene

(WPP) and waste polystyrene (WPS) were added in 10% and 15% wt after their evaluation

to study the effect on the colloidal stability of the asphalt formed using the chromatography

column and HPLC for detecting SARA fraction of prepared modified asphalt. The results

showed that the use of polymers of different nature leads to different results. Aliphatic

polymers contribute to the increase of colloidal stability due to the increase of saturates and

asphaltene, conversely, polymers of aromatic nature contribute to the decrease of colloidal

stability due to increasing the proportion of aromatic in the mixture in line with solvent

like as like. The research concludes by recommending the use of polymers of aromatic

nature to improve asphalt specifications more in cold climates while aliphatic are used in

hot climatic zones. This reduces costs and environment problems of waste polymers by

using in the preparation of eco-friendly asphalt, according to the principles of sustainable

development and climate change.


Ragab Abd Eltawab is a PhD researcher in Asphalt Lab in Petroleum Applications Department, Egyptian

Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI). He has completed his PhD in the department of Chemistry, Faculty of

Science, Ain-Shams University (2016). He was a board member in Asphalt and Polymer Services Center from

2012 till 2015 and Board Member in Chemical Services and Development Center from 2015 till now. He is a

key member of the project “Enhancing Sinai population: Novel modification of soft asphalt for use in roadway

network development and infrastructure applications”. He has published a book entitled "Environmentally

Friendly and Economical Road Construction. "Manufacture of Specific Asphalt Binder for Use in Paving by

using waste and low cost materials" LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (2014). He has a publication of a

chapter in a book entitled "using of waste and low cost materials in manufacture of specific Asphalt binder for

use in paving Vol.2: Petrochemical of Adv. in Petroleum Engineering, Studium Press, LLC, USA. (2014). He

also published a chapter in a book entitled "Asphalt modified with biomaterials as eco-friendly and sustainable

modifiers" publication in the book “Modified Asphalt”, under the editorship of Dr. Jose Luis Rivera-Armenta


Ragab Abd Eltawab

Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute,


Ragab Abd Eltawab, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume:9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C5-052