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World Congress on

Climate Change and Global Warming

April 24-25, 2019 | Vancouver, Canada


JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE & CLIMATIC CHANGE, 2019 VOLUME 10 | DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-057

Converging climate

threats and enablers and

barriers to resilience

planning in the United

States: The ecosystems


Robert Ouellette and John F Munro

University of Maryland, USA


he fourth United States

climate assessment reports

human-induced global climate

change is outpacing national

resilience capabilities thereby

increasing the risk of multiple

catastrophes. While some

communities are incrementally

enhancing their resilience to

climate change; U.S. national

resilience planning, overall, is

not keeping pace with climate

change. The paper explores

the root causes of the growing

national resilience gap and

discusses how and why an

“ecosystems framework” would

enhance systemic resilience.

In this paper discusses climate

change threats to survivability

and sustainability relative to

the risks from other physical-

environmental-social threats

(pandemics, earthquakes,

asteroids, etc.). Identifies

resilience gaps, with a focus on

the legacy paradigm underlying

current resilience planning as

well as the institutional context

in which resilience planning and

programming take place. Authors

will report initial findings from

interviews with key planning and

policy officials that suggest a

deep cognitive chasm between

evolving and converging threats

and the prerequisites of effective

resilience planning. Presents an

alternative to current/legacy

resilience planning models

that is titled “The ecosystems

climate resilience planning

model.” Explores the types of

innovative solutions (enablers

that could result from replacing

conventional resilience planning

frameworks and/or paradigms

with the ecosystem planning

model. Hypotheses concerning

climate change-induced risks

and resilience planning are

discussed. First, policymakers

fail to understand the necessity

for effective climate change

resilience planning. The time

requirements to make and

implement resilience decisions

are underestimated because

of the way climate change is

evolving. Second, policymakers

lack an understanding of (eco)

systems concepts that are

key to an integrated, systemic

approach to resilience. Third, an

endemic lack of understanding

is reinforced by institutional,

organizational and cultural

factors that reinforce fragmented

and disjointed planning. Fourth,

the ecosystems model (we

present) provides a hopeful first

step towards developing a robust

national resilience system.