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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9



World Conference on

May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA

Climate Change and Global Warming

Climate change, necessities of change in global environmental policy and microalgae application


uring action of the Kyoto Protocol, the GHG emissions are growing of about 52 billion tons CO


per year or up 58% from

1990. The UNEP fixed that even if all countries deliver on the Paris Climate Agreement, the world will warm by 3.0 to

3.2°C. The UN’s top Climate change officials, Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate

Action declare as imperative action multi-stakeholder partnerships and the attraction of the private sector investment for

fast track development of climate change mitigation. However, they did not offer effective and equitable policy component

for global market partnership based on the payments to the private companies for mitigation of climate change impact. Such

payments fund must be developed from the incomes of pollution taxes, etc. and will serve economical effective increasing of

investments in the development of the Global Life Conserve Industry. This will allow also mitigate market penetration influence

(as falling oil prices on today’s biofuel market). The technological approach must base also on the algae CCS technology. The

microalgal production of 417,659 tones can absorb up to 0.764 MtCO


eq (in addition, reduction of NOx and VOCs) and

produce 0.559 MtO


eq with a decreasing of Canadian producer’s carbon taxes up to US$ 764–1528 billion per year. This

quantity of microalgae can used as feed additive (1%) and will meet the total demand of Canada on 213%, USA on 25%, or

Europe on 20% per year. Microalgae-derived biofuel can reduce GHG emission for Canada on 71-106 MtCO


per/year. The

development of the microalgae Live Conserve Industry is principal step from non-efficient protection of the environment to

its cultivation in a large scale with mitigation of GHG emission and waste as well as generating of O


and value-added products

by the use of opens an important shift towards a new design and building of a biological system.


Armen B Avagyan has completed his Doctoral degree from Moscow State University. He has worked as Senior Researcher in Armenian Institute of Agriculture and

Technological Institute of Amino Acids of USSR. He is the Director of Armenian Institute of Biotechnology, Yerevan Vitamin plant and the Deputy Director of Nairit

Chloroprene Rubber plant. He is the sole Founder of Research and Industry Centre of Photosynthesizing Organisms. He is the Expert of EU Horizon 2020, ERA.

NET and International Cooperation programs and Council of Chemistry and Petrochemistry of CIS countries. He is the Academic Member of the Greece ATINER

Academia, Member of American Chemical Society and Society of Chemical Industry (USA). He has received “The Albert Einstein Award for Excellence” (ABI, USA)

and Marquis Who's Who 2017 “Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award” (USA).

Armen B Avagyan

Research & Industry Centre of Photosynthesizing Organis, Armenia

Armen B Avagyan, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-038