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Volume 8

Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

ISSN: 2165-7904

Childhood Obesity 2018

March 15-16, 2018

Page 43





March 15-16, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition


1. Weichselbaum E (2013) Behaviour change initiatives to promote a healthy diet and physical activity in European countries.

Nutrition Bulletin 38(1):85-99.

2. Schneider E and Theobald C (2016) Development and evaluation of food and nutrition teaching kits for teachers of primary

schoolchildren. Nutrition Bulletin 41(1):55-66.

3. Ballam R (2017) British nutrition foundation healthy eating week 2017. Nutrition Bulletin 42(4):351-355.


Stacey Lockyer worked in public health nutrition by the launch of the FSA’s 5 A DAY campaign during her degree in Biology with Psychology at Royal Holloway, University

of London and went on to study MSc Nutrition and Food Science at University of Reading, working on a human study looking into fish oil and vascular function for her

dissertation. She spent the next two years as a Research Assistant investigating the effects of ApoE genotype and dietary fat manipulation on heart disease risk markers

before starting her PhD studying olive leaf polyphenols, part of which involved a human study at Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health at Massey University in

Auckland New Zealand. She was the Nutrition Society Student Member of Council for two years during her PhD which involved organizing conference events for student

members along with writing for the Nutrition Society Gazette. After completion of her Doctorate degree, she worked at Royal College of Physicians as a Research Fellow,

performing systematic reviews for t development of NICE Guidelines before joining the BNF as a Nutrition Scientist in June 2015.