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Volume 2, Issue 4 (Suppl)

Breast Can Curr Res, an open access journal

Breast Pathology 2017

August 23-24, 2017

August 23-24, 2017 Toronto, Canada



World Congress on

Breast Pathology and Cancer Diagnosis

Cardiac toxicity after radiotherapy for breast cancer: a cardiovascular update

Nneka C Onwudiwe

CDER- US Food and Drug Administration, USA


adiotherapy (RT) in the treatment of breast cancer uses ionizing radiation to kill malignant cells. Radiation treatment

following breast cancer surgery-breast conserving surgery (BCS) or mastectomy-is associatedwith significant improvement

in locoregional control. However, the beneficial effects of RT in reducing breast cancer death and recurrence are offset by the

increased risk of cardiac toxicity. Radiation-induced cardiac toxicity is a well-documented sequela of radiation treatment that

can occur immediately, or manifest months or years after completion of radiation therapy. The damaging effects to any structure

of the heart, including the pericardium, vasculature, myocardium, valves, and conduction system depends on total dose of

radiation received by the heart, volume of the heart exposed, and radiation technique used. Another factor that potentiates the

risk of cardiac toxicity is whether patients are receiving RT for left-sided breast cancer vs. those receiving RT for right-sided

tumors. The damaging effects include: acute and chronic pericarditis, pericardial effusion, constrictive pericarditis, coronary

artery disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular heart disease, conduction system abnormalities, etc. Techniques to limit radiation

exposure such as image-guided therapy; 3-dimensional treatment planning; respiratory gating; and intensity modulated RT,

enables the selection of the most optimum treatment method when planning and administering RT. However, understanding

patients’ risk of an event and stratifying patients according to cardiovascular risk for these events would be useful in identifying

those patients most likely to benefit from management plans, as well as strategies to reduce cardiotoxicity.