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Volume 2, Issue 3 (Suppl)

Breast Can Curr Res, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-4118

Breast Cancer 2017

June 15-17, 2017

June 15-17, 2017 London, UK



World Congress on

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer in young women-Retrospective study

Jana Slobodnikova

Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin, Slovakia


reast cancer is the most common malignancy of the female population the incidence is increasing mainly statistically

between 50s and 60s, 60s and 70s. Recently, however, we meet more often with the occurrence of breast cancer in women in

30s and significantly between 20 and 40 year. For women this age range is not exist preventive or screening mammography, in

Slovakia only sonography and only clinical self- examination by touch. The period from 1.5.2005 and 30.6.2016 we performed

more than 70000 mammography examinations and more than 185000 ultrasound examinations. The youngest patient was

6 months, the oldest 94 years. Patients were sent for examination by attending gynecologist, general practitioner. Preventive

examinations completed asymptomatic women without clinical symptoms. Young women and girls were examined by

ultrasound with 18 MHz linear proge, with CFM and elastography. Next if necessary, we performed mammography, MR-

mammography a CCB too. During the monitored period we diagnosed 398 new cases of the breast cancer, all cases are verified

by histopathology. The age distribution of patients with newly diagnosed cancer we transparently stored in tables and graphs.

We focused on women in the age group to 39 and 49 year old. In category women between 18s and 39s we diagnosed 32 new

cases of breast cancer, between 40s and 49s 64 cases. Summary are 86 of new cases of the breast cancer in women between 18

and 49 years. We analyzed the different findings, especially with respect to possibility of diagnostic self-examination, combined

with ultrasound, MR mammography, mammography and core cut biopsy under ultrasound control. The number of the young

women with new diagnosed breast cancer slowly increased. Our aim is the early diagnostics, without vascular cancer vascular

invasivity, without the lymphadenopathy. We retrospectively focused on genetic anamnesis factor, short time of the diagnosis

and therapy.


Jana Slobodnikova has done her MD from Prague Charles University. She has completed CSc/PhD from Institus of experimental Oncology Slovac Scientic

Academy. She also worked as an Ass. Prof. Trnaviensis University. She has published more than 90 scientific papers, from then 25 papers in reputed journals and

has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute. She has published 3 monographs. She is President of the section of breast imaging of Slovak Radiologic

Society and Vice President of the Slovak Society of Ultrasound in Medicine.

Jana Slobodnikova, Breast Can Curr Res 2017, 2:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-4118-C1-005