Page 56
Volume 9
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
February 28-March 02, 2019 | Berlin, Germany
International Conference on
Enzymology and Protein Chemistry
Global Congress on
Biotechnology 2019
Enzymology 2019
February 28-March 02, 2019
Patent protection of monoclonal antibodies useful to combat multidrug-resistant bacteria
Katia dos Reis
, José Procopio Moreno Senna
Gisele Rodrigues Atayde
Institute of Immunobiological Technology, Brazil
University of São Paulo at São Carlos School of Engineering, Brazil
ver the past 10 years, there has been an increasing demand for biopharmaceuticals, especially monoclonal antibodies. The
rate of these biological products was significantly higher than the rate of traditional pharmaceuticals. Biopharmaceuticals
now account for more than 15% of the total market and there is a forecast that sales of biopharmaceuticals should exceed
$250,000,000,000 by 2020. The growth in demand of these products can be justified by the high specificity of monoclonal
antibodies and the need for researchers and the market to develop new products, new technologies that could be used to
combat various diseases. Multidrug-resistant bacteria strains are a global problem and the use of monoclonal antibodies to
combat hospital infections may be a valuable alternative to public health. Another important aspect is the patent protection of
these new assets, especially in the Institute of Immunobiological Technology (Bio-Manguinhos), a unit of the Oswaldo Cruz
Foundation (Fiocruz) responsible for research, innovation, technological development and production of vaccines, rapid test
devices and biopharmaceuticals aimed at meeting the demands of national public health.
Katia dos Reis completed her Bachelor of Chemistry and Master of Biochemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She is a Professor of Chemistry in
the State Department of Rio de Janeiro and did her PhD Graduate Program in Technology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes of the School of Chemistry
at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Currently, she has been a Patent Analyst at the Bio-Manguinhos Technological Transfer Office (TTO-BIO), advising
researchers on the protection of products and processes from Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz Technological Development.
katia.reis@bio.fiocruz.brKatia dos Reis et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2019, Volume 9
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C2-116