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Volume 8

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

ISSN: 2155-952X

Biotech Congress 2018 & Enzymology 2018

March 05-07, 2018

Page 40







Global Congress on




International Conference on

Enzymology and Molecular Biology


March 05-07, 2018 London, UK

Sergey Suchkov, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C2-090

Proteolytic abzymes as translational tools of the newest generation to be exploited for biodesign and



atalytic Abs (catAbs) are multivalent im-munoglobulins (Igs) with a capacity to hy-drolyze the antigenic (Ag) substrate. In

this sense, proteolytic Abs (Ab-proteases) repre-sents Abs to provide proteolytic effects. Abs against myelin basic protein/

MBP with pro-teolytic activity exhibiting sequence-specific cleavage of MBP is of great value to monitor demyelination whilst

in multiple sclerosis. The activity of Ab-proteases was first regis-tered at the subclinical stages, 1-2 years prior to the clinical

illness and the activity of the Ab-proteases revealed significant correlation with scales of demyelination and the disabil-ity of

the patients as well. So, the activity of Ab-proteases and its dynamics tested would confirm a high subclinical and predictive

(translational) value of the tools as applicable for personalizedmonitoring protocols. Ab-proteases directly affecting remodeling

of tissues with multilevel architectonics (for in-stance, myelin) are of tremendous value. By changing sequence specificity one

may reach reduction of a density of the negative proteo-lytic effects within the myelin sheath and thus minimizing scales of

demyelination. Ab-proteases can be programmed and re-programmed to suit the needs of the body metabolism or could be

designed for the de-velopment of new catalysts with no natural counterparts. Further studies are needed to secure artificial

or edited Ab-proteases as translational tools of the newest generation to diagnose, to monitor, to control and to treat and

rehabilitate multiple sclerosis patients at clinical stages and to prevent the disorder at subclinical stages in persons at risks.

Recent Publications

1. Gabibov A A, Paltsev M A and Suchkov S V (2011) Antibody-associated proteol-ysis in surveillance of autoimmune

de-myelination: clinical and preclinical is-sues. Future Neurology 6(3):303-305.

2. D Kostyushev, I Tsarev, D Gnatenko, M Paltsev and S Suchkov (2011) Myelin-associated serological targets as applica-

ble to diagnostic tools to be used at the preclinical and transient stages of multiple sclerosis progression. Open J

Immunology 1(3):80-86.

3. Gabibov A G, Ponomarenko N A, Tretyak E B, Paltsev M A and Suchkov S V (2006) Catalytic autoantibodies in clin-

ical autoimmunity and modern medicine. Autoimmunity Reviews 2006(5):324-330.

4. Ponomarenko N A, Durova OM, Voro-biev I I, Belogurov A A, Telegin G B, et al. (2005) Catalytic activity of autoanti-

bodies toward myelin basic protein corre-lates with the scores on the multiple scle-rosis expanded disability status

scale. Immunol. Lett. 103(1):45-50.

5. Ponomarenko N A, Durova O M, Voro-biev I I, Aleksandrova E S, Telegin G B, et al. (2002) Catalytic antibodies in

clini-cal and experimental pathology: human and mouse models. Journal of Immuno-logical Methods 2002(269):197-


Sergey Suchkov

I M Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia