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Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biomaterials 2018
March 05-06, 2018
March 05-06, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Annual Conference and Expo on
A proposal for a technological roadmap of nanocellulose
Moises de Souza Gomes
, Brazil Estevao Freire
Maria de Fatima Vieira Marques
IMA-UFRJ, Brazil
EQ-UFRJ, Brazil
he search for increased value products from the commodity paper and cellulose industry found on nanocellulose – a high
performance nanoscale biomaterial discovered byTurbak. Snyder and Sandberg in the ITTRayonier Labs (New Jersey, USA)
in 1978 – an opportunity to reach more profitable markets, such as advanced composites for the auto industry, flexible OLED
screens, pharma formulations or advanced biomedical therapies. To understand the evolution of this 40-year technology, and
the progress towards industry/commercial applications, the analysis of patent and scientific articles becomes a key information
to future investments and efforts towards new nanocellulose-based frontier materials. The purpose of the present study is
to propose a technological roadmap of nanocellulose to understand in which direction in which this technology is heading.
Patent data search used Questel Orbit and Thomson Reuters’ Derwent Innovation Index from Web of Science databases.
Scientific articles search used Scopus and SciFinder databases. All gathered information was classified with the following
hierarchy: 1. Type of nanocellulose (Nanocrystalline, nanofibrillated or bacterial nanocellulose; 2. Subject (Production process
or chemical modification/application); and 3. Country of origin. This classification occurred after a detailed analysis of each
searched document. A further analysis associated the documents with a target market/application, creating a table relating it
with the type of technology used. The proposed technological roadmap was then created quantifying the tendencies with the
industry investments, creating a most probable scenario of the future of nanocellulose and its applications for the mid and
long term. Although the early use of nanocellulose, as nanofibrillated cellulose, focused on nanocomposites and their use as
rheology modifiers, the new chemical modification methods of bacterial nanocellulose shifted the interest of this material
on sophisticated biomedical applications, as well as to nanocrystalline cellulose, with high performance use in photonics and
advanced electronics.
Recent Publications
1. Oksman K, et al. (2016) Review of the recent developments in cellulose nanocomposite processing. Composites: Part
A 83:2-18.
2. Milanez DH, et al. (2014) Technological indicators of nanocellulose advances obtained from data and text mining
applied to patent documents. Materials Research 17(6):1513-1522.
3. Milanez DH, et al. (2013) Assessing nanocellulose developments using science and technology indicators. Materials
Research 16(3):635-641.
4. Charreau H, Foresti ML and Vazquez A (2013) Nanocellulose patent trends: a comprehensive review on patents on
cellulose nanocrystals, microfibrillated and bacterial cellulose. Recent Patents on Nanotechnology 7(1):56-80.
5. Klemm D, et al. (2011) Nanocellulose: a new Family of nature-based materials. Angewandte Chemie International
Edition 50(24) 5438-5466
Moises de Souza Gomes et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-089
Evolution of the total number
of scientific articles and patent deposits/
granted patents from 2006 to 2017