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Volume 8, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Bioremediat Biodegrad, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-6199

Biofuels Congress 2017

September 05-06, 2017

Page 20




September 05-06, 2017 | London, UK

Biofuels and Bioenergy



World Congress on

Janea A Scott, J Bioremediat Biodegrad 2017, 8:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-6199-C1-007

Developing an advanced biofuels industry in California: The alternative and renewable fuel and

vehicle technology program


n September 2016, California put into law statewide goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions including 40 percent

below 1990 levels by 2030 and 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. To help achieve these goals California has a number of

policy initiatives including the Short-Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) Reduction Strategy and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard

(LCFS). The SLCP Reduction Strategy identifies a range of options for accelerating short-lived climate emission reductions

including regulation, incentives, and other market supporting activities. The SLCP Reduction Strategy was approved in March

2017 with implementation beginning in January 2018. The LCFS which has been in place since 2009 is designed to encourage

the use of cleaner low-carbon fuels by creating market incentives for near-term GHG reductions, and has a goal of reducing

the overall carbon intensity of fuel within the transportation sector 10 percent by 2020. With California’s transportation sector

accounting for 37 percent of the State’s overall GHG emissions, achieving California’s climate goals will require significant

technological and market changes within the transportation sector. To help transform California’s transportation market, the

California Energy Commission administers the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program (ARFVTP)

which provides up to $100 million annually to develop and deploy a portfolio of alternative fuel and advanced vehicle

technologies, including the production of biofuels. Biofuels including gasoline substitutes, diesel substitutes, and biomethane

are anticipated to provide immediate and long-term opportunities to reduce both GHG emissions and petroleum use. Through

the ARFVTP the Energy Commission has awarded $167 million to 59 biofuel projects, ranging from bench-scale to commercial

production, with the goal of expanding the production of low-carbon, economically competitive biofuels from waste-based

and renewable feedstocks in California.

Figure 1: CleanWorld’s anaerobic digester biorefinery which processes 40,000 tons of food waste annually for the production

of biomethane for transportation applications.


JaneaAScott was appointed to the California Energy Commission by Governor Edmund G Brown Jr. in February 2013 and reappointed in January 2016. She is the Energy

Commission’s public member, and is the Lead Commissioner on Transportation and Western Regional Planning. She also leads adoption of recommendations by the

Energy Commission’s SB 350 Barriers Study to expand access to the benefits of clean energy and transportation for low-income Californians, including those in disadvan-

taged communities—as well as small businesses in disadvantaged communities. Before joining the Energy Commission, she worked at the US Department of the Interior’s

Office of the Secretary as Deputy Counselor for Renewable Energy. She also worked as a Senior Attorney in the Environmental Defense Fund’s Climate and Air Program.

Janea A Scott

California Energy Commission, USA