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Volume 7, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Ecosyst Ecogr

ISSN: 2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal

Biodiversity Congress 2017

April 27-28, 2017

April 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Biodiversity and Conservation

J Ecosyst Ecogr 2017, 7:1(Suppl)

Monitoring of climate change impacts on biodiversity species in Niumi National Park

Lamin Jobaate

West African Bird Study Association, Gambia


limate change has become a burning issue in the 21


century. These negative impacts are causing serious harm to the living beings

particularly the biodiversity. These current monitoring activities were done in Niumi National Park in Gambia in order to assert

the extent of the negative impacts of change impacts on biodiversity species in Niumi National Park and to come out with a possible

recommendation for future actions. The monitoring activities were done in eight sample sites, comprise of the following: monitoring

of birds populations in eight sites, shell fish measuring and counting, monitoring of the status of mangroves and its growth rate,

sampling the soil to determine the amount of soluble salt in the soil organic matters and soil pH, water sampling to determine

temperature, turbidity, salinity, etc., socio economic survey on the fish stock and the state of fish stock before and now.

The search for effectiveness of the Paris agreement

Luciane Martins De Araujo

Federal University of Goiás, Brazil


he aim of this paper is to analyze the Paris Agreement, which was published in the 21


session of the Conference of the Parties

on Climate Change, COP 21 that took place in December 2015 in Paris, France. The importance of this theme for reaching

the sustainable development goals, including the climate action, is equally analyzed. The study’s starting points are the Framework

Convention on Climate Change published in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and

Development and its consequently interaction for sustainable development; and the achievements and failures within the Conference

of the Parties and the COP 21, which resulted in a document of great international repercussion especially because of the urgent

necessity of adopting measures against the climate changes which have dramatically affected life on Earth. This paper’s main approach

is the discussion of the effectiveness of the objectives laid down in the Agreement. These objectives include measures of mitigation,

adaptation, damage reduction, liability. Additionally, financing resources and technology transfer are directed to developing

countries to put into effect such measures for making it possible to cope with climate change. In order to achieve the objectives of

the Paris Agreement and its interaction with the sustainable development goals, this paper makes a parallel between the principles

of cooperation and information, highlighting environmental education which is included in international analyzed documents of

climate change and in two of the goals of sustainable development, namely quality education and partnerships for the goals. In

conclusion, for giving effectiveness to the COP 21, it is imperative to develop a environmental education and culture of solidarity

among peoples and nations so that every member of society assumes their responsibility towards the climate change issue, since this

problem belongs to everyone and must be seriously faced primarily by developed countries. Developing countries are not excluded

from searching for new courses of action towards sustainable development in order to guarantee the continuity of life in our planet.