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Volume 7, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Ecosyst Ecogr

ISSN: 2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal

Biodiversity Congress 2017

April 27-28, 2017

April 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Biodiversity and Conservation

J Ecosyst Ecogr 2017, 7:1(Suppl)

Genetic variation of Caucasian pit viper (

Gloydius halys

) populations in Iran using mtDNAmarker

Akram Moghaddasi


, Haji Gholi Kammi


, Masoud Nazari Zadeh


and Mohammad Kabol



University of Tehran, Iran


University of Golestan, Iran


he concept of genetic variation is a vital factor to investigate the effect of evolutionary process on genus


’ populations.

Having a vast distribution in many parts of Asia, genus


(Serpentes: Crotalinae) is from the venomous group of snakes,

and consists of thirteen species. Caucasian Pitviper (

Gloydius halys

) is scattered from Northwest to Northeast Iran in wide variety

of terrestrial and mountainous, forestal and bush-lands habitats. This study aims to analyze biodiversity, genetic variation and

genetic structure among the Caucasian Pitviper populations in Alborz habitats. For this purpose, 18 individuals representing two

populations (northern and northeastern Alborz) were captured, and, some ventral scale specimens were collected. Polymorphism

of a mitochondrial gene


, was investigated in these samples. For this purpose, using PCR, a segment of this gene with 1067 base

pair length was amplified and the amplified sequence was then subjected to sequencing. The genealogy analysis was conducted to

determine the best evolutionary model using Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches. Our results revealed that the Alborz

populations were separated by 0.99 and 95.34 posterior probability and bootstrap values, respectively. Besides, 13 unique haplotypes

out of 18 sequenced individuals (7 fromnorthern and 6 fromnortheastern population), were analyzed and consequently a considerable

distinction was detected between north and northeastern population haplotypes by 17 mutational steps. Also, a significantly high

genetic variation (Fst>0.25, p<0.01) was found between populations in the north and northeast Alborz through the Analysis of

Molecular Variance (AMOVA). On the other hand, using neutrality tests, the incidence of spontaneous expansion was determined in

north and northeast populations. As a conclusion, we believe that the genetic distance between these two populations is due to their

local adaptability. Hence, they can be considered as two distinct conservational units in terms of biodiversity conservational plans.

Relative abundance, prey preference and niche partitioning of snow leopard (

Uncia uncia

) and Tibetan

wolf (

Canis lupus chanku

) in Karakoram Pamir mountains

Anila Ajmal


, Babar Khan



Abdukadir Alimit



World Wide Fund for Nature, Pakistan


Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


eliable information about predator’s abundance, their feeding habits, potential habitats and niches is imperative to understand the

ecological interactions among herders, herbivores and carnivores on shared habitats. Therefore, the present study endeavors to

fill knowledge gaps for the sustainable conservation and management of the remaining lot of endangered Snow leopard and Tibetan

wolf in Khunjerab National Park (KNP) in Pakistan and Taxkorgan National Nature Reserve (TKNR) in China. Our results revealed

that the Tibetan wolf and Snow leopard as the major predators in KNP, with an estimated population size of 30-35 with 0.006 Snow

leopards in per km


. Also, out of estimated total 822.7 kg km


(animal’s km


) biomass, it was found that that livestock and ungulates

offered around 66% and 34% diet for Snow leopard and Tibetan wolf collectively. Through scat analysis, results showed that both these

predators rely heavily on livestock to fulfill food requirements. Moreover, Tibetan wolf was found having a large niche separation

with Snow leopard, whereas, Snow leopard was found comparatively having greater niche than the Tibetan wolf. In the same vein,

considering the large biomass needs of the carnivores and the low availability of wild prey, human-wildlife conflict is therefore an

inevitable and critical issue in the region. Trans-boundary efforts are necessary to develop conservation management schemes that

protect threatened wildlife species as well as provide support and benefits to the local communities living adjacent to KNP and TNR

in the Karakoram and Pamir mountains of China and Pakistan.