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Volume 7, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Ecosyst Ecogr

ISSN: 2157-7625 JEE, an open access journal

Biodiversity Congress 2017

April 27-28, 2017

April 27-28, 2017 Dubai, UAE



International Conference on

Biodiversity and Conservation

J Ecosyst Ecogr 2017, 7:1(Suppl)

Mitigating impacts of projects on biodiversity conservation in Uganda

Fred R Muwanika, F Mwaura, F Ogwal, M Masiga, M Akullo and T O Okurut

National Environmental Management Authority, Uganda


This study provides light on the impact of implemented projects on biodiversity in Uganda in terms of harmful and

enhancing projects. Biodiversity harmful projects are defined as the type of projects that destroy or lead to biodiversity loss during

their implementation, while biodiversity enhancing projects are those that lead to biological diversity during their implementation.


The objective of the study was to assess the impact of implemented projects in the communities on biodiversity conservation

and management in Uganda.


The data used in this analysis was obtained from Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) previously collected during the

National Service Delivery Survey (NSDS 2008). Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used to derive the different impact

dimensions of projects on biodiversity among the communities in Uganda.


Implemented projects in the communities impact biodiversity both positively and negatively. Findings revealed that livestock

improvement/restocking/breeding contribute about 30% on the biodiversity positive impacts, while introduction of improved crop

variety at about 20% and agricultural technology at about 11.4%. Furthermore, construction of new road/bridges are the leading

projects in destroying biodiversity accounting for about 13.5% of the variation in negative impacts, while construction of toilet/

latrines and health units accounts for 11.8% and 9.4% respectively of the variation in biodiversity loss.

Conclusions & Recommendations:

Construction related projects impact negatively on biodiversity in their implementation, while

agricultural related projects are the leading agro-biodiversity enhancing projects in Uganda. This implies that work sectors must play

an important role in biodiversity conservation in Uganda. Secondly, construction and agriculture related projects should endeavour

to allocate a percentage of the project budget equivalent to expected impact on biodiversity towards its management and restoration.

Conservation ecology of red panda (

Ailurus fulgens

) in Himalayas

Saroj Panthi

District Forests Office, Nepal


ed panda (

Ailurus fulgens

) is listed as endangered in IUCN red data list, protected for Nepal and distributed in Himalaya region of

Nepal, and is commonly known as "Habre" in Nepalese language. The species is distributed in different protected areas of Nepal,

however the detailed information on ecological, biological and conservation aspect are still lacking. The study was conducted in

Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve (DHR), Nepal to investigate diet, habitat preference and distribution of red panda. Micro histological fecal

analysis methods were used to investigate feeding species on red pandas’ diet. The habitat preference of red panda was analyzed by using

Ivelve’s electivity index. A total of 120 plots were laid out for sampling the vegetation (trees, shrubs, and herbs respectively) and habitat

features. Red panda preferred gully with forest area and tree species

Acer caesium

(IV=1). Most important forest species in the habitat

of red panda were

Abies spectablis

(IVI=66.22) and


(IVI=17.15) with ground cover of


spp. Red panda preferred

3000-4000 m elevation range, 26-50% slope, 51-75% crown cover and 26-50% ground cover.


spp. was found as a major

(81.7%) diet of red panda. For protecting this species human consumption of the


spp. should be discouraged.