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Volume 6, Issue 6(Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal

Page 37

Bio Summit & Molecular Biology 2016

October 10-12, 2016




October 10-12, 2016 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Bio Summit & Molecular Biology Expo

Mark G Bloom, J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:6(Suppl)

Academic Technology Transfer in the Middle East: A Focus on Open Innovation


ver the past two decades, biomedical knowledge has grown exponentially, giving us completely new insights into how life

works. Astonishing advances in genomics, bioinformatics, imaging and stem cell medicine are offering up possibilities

that were unimaginable just a few years ago. New tools that will allow us not only to heal disease but to also predict it and

prevent it are finally within our reach. This is more than just a revolution in science and health care; it is a revolution in the

human condition. However, because of regional and international economic changes and uncertainties, core systemic financial

support for basic research is decreasing or becoming more competitive to obtain, especially for younger researchers at a time

when the pace of biomedical innovation and its concurrent translational development and adoption should be increasing to

address unmet health care needs. What can we do in view of this new (fiscal) reality? Expertise, experience, resources, and

technology must be cross-linked in entirely new ways to establish even more efficient and effective collaborative public-private

partnerships to accelerate the advancement of biomedical science. The adoption of “open innovation” programs and platforms

could be an important step in attaining this goal, while such an initiative would be especially useful in the MENA Region given

its unique characteristics. The benefits and various key challenges of adopting an “open innovation” project in an academic

medical center setting will be discussed in this presentation.


Mark G Bloom is the Director of the Office of Technology Transfer and is responsible for leading the long-term growth of Sidra’s technology transfer program. In

addition to the traditional duties of overseeing Sidra’s intellectual property rights portfolio, he is responsible for developing technology transfer and intellectual

property rights management strategies that support Sidra’s mission to become a world-class academic health center focusing on women’s and children’s health.

Sidra expects to become a regional leader in moving innovation and research to the commercial marketplace and is looking to its Office of Technology Transfer to

play a leading role in realizing that goal.

Mark G Bloom

Sidra Medical and Research Center, Qatar