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Volume 5, Issue 2(Suppl)

Adv Automob Eng 2016

ISSN: 2167-7670, AAE an open access journal

Page 47


Automobile 2016

December 01-02, 2016



Automobile Engineering

December 01-02, 2016 Valencia, Spain



International Conference and Exhibition on

Financial aspects of Czech automobile industry development

Jana Vychytilova


Drahomira Pavelkova

Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic


he automobile industry significantly contributes to the overall economic performance of the Czech Republic and in the recent

years with growing total assets, a number of employees and sales, especially from export, the share of the automobile industry in

manufacturing industry further increases. Manufacture of motor vehicles (except motorcycles), trailers and semi-trailers represent

the core automotive industry, i.e. vehicle and parts makers in the Czech Republic. It refers particularly to manufacture of motor

vehicles; manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles, manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers, and manufacture of parts and accessories

for motor vehicles. The survey refers about the Czech automotive industry financial aspects results supported inter alia by financial

statements and ratios analyses, and provides an overall assessment of the financial situation and insights into this business. Related

important issues as if the Czech automotive industry has been severely hit by the crisis since mid-2008 investigating the car sales, or

if the Czech government has been supported the automobile industry by scrapping schemes are considered. Finally, assessment of

the current economic importance of the Czech car market, of its size share in the overall size of OECD economies in terms of value

added, employment and export and specific features of the Czech automobile industry are presented.


Jana Vychytilova has completed her PhD in Finance from Tomas Bata University and was a Post-doc in the Centre of Applied Economics at Tomas Bata University. She

is currently the Assistant Professor at Faculty of Management and Economics, Tomas Bata University and a Faculty Advisor for CFA Institute Research Challenge. She is

author or co-author of 1 monograph, 1 article in J


, 1 article in J


, 1 article in J


, 5 contributions of type D, leader of IGA project and GaCR project participant.

Jana Vychytilova et al., Adv Automob Eng 2016, 5:2(Suppl)