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Volume 5, Issue 2(Suppl)

Adv Automob Eng 2016

ISSN: 2167-7670, AAE an open access journal

Page 33


Automobile 2016

December 01-02, 2016



Automobile Engineering

December 01-02, 2016 Valencia, Spain



International Conference and Exhibition on

Variable caster steering in vehicle dynamics

Dai Vo Quoc

RMIT University, Australia


hen a vehicle is cornering, its wheels usually lean outwards from the center of rotation. This effect decreases lateral force and

eventually limits tyre performance, especially when the tyre is working under a high side slip regime. This paper proposes a

strategy for varying caster of the front steerable wheels to counter the effect. The homogeneous transformation is utilized to develop

the kinematics of a road steering wheel which includes the dynamic camber during the cornering manoeuvre. A variable caster

scheme is proposed based on the analysis of the dynamic camber. A roll vehicle model and a camber-included tyre force model are

constructed; and MATLAB/Simulink is used to simulate the dynamic behavior of the vehicle with and without the variable caster. The

results of step-steer, ramp-steer and swept-steer simulations show that the outwards leaning effect of the steering wheels is reduced

significantly, leading to an improvement in lateral acceleration, and yaw rate capacities without compromising with other handling



Dai Vo Quoc is currently working toward his PhD degree in Automotive Engineering at School of Engineering, RMIT University, Australia. His research interests include

kinematics, dynamics of vehicle systems; dynamics, ride, handling and stability of vehicles. He has published and written 5 papers and book chapters.

Dai Vo Quoc, Adv Automob Eng 2016, 5:2(Suppl)