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World Congress on

March 05-07, 2018 | Paris, France

Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture

Volume 6

Advances in Crop Science and Technology

ISSN: 2329-8863

Agri World 2018

March 05-07, 2018

Strategies for haploid plant production: Experiences from sunflower

Yildiz Aydin


, Ahu Altınkut Uncuoglu


, Yunus Emre Aktaş


, Filiz Vardar



Göksel Evci



Marmara University, Turkey


Trakya Agricultural Research Institute, Turkey


aploid plants that inherit chromosomes from only one parent significantly facilitate the search and selection of favorable

genes and the development of breeding genotypes. Haploidization techniques facilitate the production of pure lines from

heterozygous plants in a single generation and represent significant advantages for plant breeders. Haploids can be induced by in

vivo or

in vitro

methods. The

in vitro

methods that have been developed to induce embryogenesis are androgenesis, gynogenesis

including parthenogenesis induced primarily by pollination with irradiated pollen followed by embryo rescue. Cultivated sunflower

is a globally important oilseed, food, and ornamental crop. The main objective of the study on the production of haploid sunflower

plants is to accelerate breeding programs through the use of homozygous broomrape and herbicide-resistant double haploid lines.

The influence of pollen irradiation on the production of

in vitro

haploid plants from

in situ

induced haploid embryos was investigated

in sunflower. Immature flower buds of the ovule donors were emasculated prior to anthesis and were bagged to avoid unwanted

outcrossing. Pollinations were carried out on field plants, bagged before anthesis. For pollen inactivation were applied the gamma

60Co irradiation doses: 500 Gy, 1000 Gy and 1500 Gy. Irradiated pollens were used for pollinating the flower buds of the ovule donor.

14-16 days after pollination, immature embryos were observed on binocular microscope for detecting the embryo stage and then

transferred to four different MS medium without any plant growth regulators to facilitate the maturation and development of plants.

Concerning the number of embryos formed were obtained in pollen inactivation with doses 750 and1000 Gy. Nuclear DNA content

of control (diploid) and haploid sunflower plants were evaluated by chromosome analysis and flow cytometry having “n” number of

chromosome set.


Yildiz Aydin has completed her PhD degree from Marmara University, Department of Biology in 2003. Her expertise lies in plant tissue culture and application of

PCR-based molecular markers to plant germplasm. Her current research work involves researching haploid plant production protocols for sunflower.

Yildiz Aydin et al., Adv Crop Sci Tech 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2329-8863-C1-005