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World Congress on

March 05-07, 2018 | Paris, France

Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture

Volume 6

Advances in Crop Science and Technology

ISSN: 2329-8863

Agri World 2018

March 05-07, 2018

Content of exchangeable forms of heavy metals in agradable soils and common dandelion from urban

allotment gardens of the cities of Kielce and Olsztyn (Poland)

Mgr Ewelina Zajęcka


Prof. dr hab. inż. Anna Świercz

Jan Kochanowski University, Poland


tatement of the Problem: Common dandelion

Taraxacum officinale

agg. is a well-known medicinal plant commonly used

in unconventional medicine. Due to its valuable properties, it is obtained on a large scale from urban areas considered to

be potentially clean, e.g. urban allotment gardens. Common dandelion is also a recognised bioindicator as it has the ability to

accumulate in its tissues high levels of heavy metals and thus it is often used in environmental research. Therefore, it seems

important to determine whether the concentration of heavy metals in the soil would translate into their content in common

dandelion leaves, which are then used for consumption and treatment purposes. Moreover, the purpose of this research is

to determine whether the heavy metal content in the dandelion leaves is dependent on the level of air pollution in cities.

Methodology &Theoretical Orientation: The research was conducted on the basis of samples taken from two Polish cities with

different degrees of pollution - Olsztyn, which is classified as a clean city of low air pollution with PM10, PM2.5, sulphur and

nitrogen oxides, is a city with relatively small industrial infrastructure. The comparative city was Kielce, where the values of

analysed indicators are significantly higher, and the city has a post-industrial character. The samples were collected from the

area of urban allotment gardens, i.e. the areas recognised as potentially clean. In each city, 15 samples of common dandelion

(leaves) and soil were taken for analysis. In the leaves and soil, the content of selected heavy metals, i.e. Cu, Cd, Pb and Zn was

determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Findings: The content of heavy metals in

the soil is reflected by their level in the leaves. The conducted research indicated that there is a dependence for all the analysed

heavy metals that higher concentrations of metals in soils determine their higher content in the dandelion leaves. There was

no correlation that the quality of atmospheric air has a direct impact on the content of heavy metals in soils because for the

samples taken from Olsztyn, which is considered as a clean city in terms of air quality, the average concentrations of copper

and zinc were higher than those reported for Kielce. Analogical situation was noted for the concentrations of these metals in

the dandelion leaves.production.


Ewelina Zajecka - a doctoral student at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce. Authoress of numerous science articles on plant bio indicators, content of

heavy metals in urban soils and bioavailable forms of heavy metals. Since 2016, she has been conducting the research on recognizing the properties of common

dandelion as a bio indicator of pollution in urban areas.

Mgr Ewelina Zajęcka, Adv Crop Sci Tech 2018, Volume 6

DOI: 10.4172/2329-8863-C1-006