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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

Agrotechnology, an open access journal

ISSN: 2168-9881

Agri 2017

October 02-04, 2017





International Conference on


October 02-04, 2017 London, UK

Influence of ICTs Services and Applications on Agricultural Development

Tahir Munir Butt



University of Agriculture, Pakistan


China Agricultural University, China


he major problem was to bring improvement in the quality of life of rural people without ICTs services and applications

in Agriculture. In rapidly changing local and global agricultural market and price mechanism, it is difficult for traditional

and poor farmers to maintain their farm productivity and one of the major problem is clear the weakness of physical distance

and logistic problems with time availability of relevant information are the foremost hurdles in personal communication and

dissemination of information about cropping technologies especially in critically stage of crops, weather forecast. Punjab-

Pakistan province was selected purposively as the study province for the said study. In the present study, convenient and simple

random sampling techniques was used to cover the whole province of the Punjab. Total sample size of the study was three

hundred (300) user-ICTs. It was concluded that information attained by ICTs (services and applications) like a telephone with

toll-free number application, cell phone with text and robo calls applications, computer with internet application, personal

characteristics and capacity building of the farmer were significantly correlatedwith the decision-making aspects with important

for awareness, knowledge, capacity building, timely information, improved productivity and also marketing purpose etc. There

is need to restructure and redesign present technology transfer and flow of information scenario of agricultural extension

system to make convenient efforts for provision of counseling services and agricultural information sources (Information Hub

Center) to rural farming societies by Government.

Agrotechnology 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2168-9881-C1-028