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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

Agrotechnology, an open access journal

ISSN: 2168-9881

Agri 2017

October 02-04, 2017





International Conference on


October 02-04, 2017 London, UK

Genetic diversity of

Aspergillus flavus

and occurrence of aflatoxin contamination in stored maize

across three agro-ecological zones in Kenya

Grace W Gachara


, Anthony K Nyamache


, Jagger Harvey


, Gbemenou Joselin Benoit Gnonlonfin



James Wainaina



Kenyatta University, Kenya


Biosciences Eastern and Central Africa-International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya


flatoxin contamination at post-harvest poses a serious challenge in achieving millennium development goals on food

security especially in the developing world. In Kenya, major outbreaks of aflatoxicoses have been attributed to poor post

harvest storage practices. In this study, we conducted a cross-sectional survey within three Agro-ecological zones in Kenya,

to determine occurrence and distribution of total aflatoxin in stored maize and the aflatoxigenicity potential of



in stored maize. The counties selected were; Kitui, Nakuru and Kitale (in Trans-Nzoia County). Sampling sites were

selected based on previous aflatoxicoses outbreaks (Kitui) and major maize production areas (Nakuru and Kitale) where little

information exists on the occurrence of aflatoxin contamination. A total of one hundred and thirty (130) kernel maize samples

were random collected during the period between June and August 2012. Moisture content was determined using the standard

oven method and

Aspergillus flavus

was isolated by direct plating technique. Genetic diversity of the isolates was determined

by PCR and Single Sequence Repeats (SSR) micro satellites analysis. Positive strains were induced to produce B1 aflatoxins on

Yeast Extract Sucrose Agar (YESA) and quantified using competitive ELISA technique. The results indicated mean moisture

content of maize ranged between 6% and 34%, although this was found not to be significantly different (p=0.23>0.05).

However, total aflatoxin contamination of postharvest stored maize samples between sites was significantly different (p=0.000,

<0.05); with the highest contamination in Kitale at a mean of (9.68 µg/kg).

A. flavus

was isolated in 70% (N= 91) of the maize

samples collected at postharvest.

A. flavus

isolates with the highest aflatoxigenicity potential were from Nakuru County with

mean aflatoxin level at 239.7 µg/kg. Genetic distance based on Neighbor Joining (NJ) clustered the

A. flavus

isolates into five

main clusters. Principal coordinate Analysis (PCA) analysis showed five distinct clusters with both axes explaining 60.17% of

the variance. This study showed widespread distribution of aflatoxin contamination and a highly toxigenic

A. flavus

in stored

maize in three major agro ecological zones in Kenya. These results suggest a potential health risk of aflatoxin outbreaks within

these areas, thus call for more investigations.

Agrotechnology 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2168-9881-C1-028