Page 44
Volume 3
Advanced Practices in Nursing
ISSN: 2573-0347
Advanced Nursing Research 2018
June 14-15, 2018
June 14-15, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
World Congress on
Advanced Nursing Research
Geriatric outreach and training with care (GOT Care!): An interprofessional solution to enhance
training for the healthcare workforce and improve outcomes for vulnerable older adults
Millicent M Malcolm
University of Connecticut, USA
eriatric outreach and training with care (GOT! Care), propelled with national grant funding, enhanced training for the
geriatric workforce and improve outcomes for older adults. This academic-community partnership included geriatric
faculty experts from nursing, medicine, dental medicine, pharmacy, physical therapy, social work, and public health. The
team trained healthcare students for culturally sensitive, evidenced-based interprofessional geriatric care. The faculty-student
team participated in a home visit outreach program to improve outcomes for older adults with multiple chronic conditions
and high emergency department (ED) use. Using a comprehensive geriatric assessment, the team identified risk factors for
hospitalization and made recommendations to primary care providers. This innovative quality improvement project resulted
in positive outcomes for students, faculty, patients and primary care providers. Interprofessional students (N=264) were
trained together and data was collected using the collaborative practice assessment tool. A statistically significant increase
(p<.000) in student pre and post scores were found in the community linkages, coordination of care, communication, and
information exchange subscales. Contextual data revealed: a) mutual respect for team members, b) open dialogue and
communication among disciplines, c) patient centered focus, d) strong desire for collaboration, e) members are given an active
role, f) promotion of interprofessional care at post-conference discussions, and g) networking with agencies. The effectiveness
of this project for older adults (N=60) followed the Institute of Medicine Triple Aim parameters. Data were collected with a
mixed methods approach using PROMIS Global Health 10, the Modified Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set
(HEDIS) and an in-person interview. Results indicate GOT! Care to be cost-effective geriatric training program focusing on
quality care and improved health for the older adults served, with high levels of satisfaction and decreased ED visits among the
GOT! Care patients.
Millicent M Malcolm is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Connecticut School of Nursing. She was the Primary Investigator for geriatric outreach and
training with care, a 3 year/1.4 mil government funded Inter Professional Training and Outreach Project. This project showed promise for inter professional collaborative
education and practice as a means to improve vulnerable patient outcomes. She has been a Specialist in the care of older adults for over 30 years, board certified as a
Gerentological Nurse Practitioner for the past 18 years. Her clinical practice focuses on home visits for frail older adults. Her research interests include inter professional
training and practice, and reducing risks and preventing iatrogenic suffering for older adults. She was awarded the Connecticut Nurse Practitioner of the Year in 2015, and
was inducted into the Fellows of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners in 2016.
Millicent.Malcolm@uconn.eduMillicent M Malcolm, Adv Practice Nurs 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2573-0347-C2-020