Page 42
Day 1 June 14, 2018
Nursing Research | Nursing Types | Scope of Nursing Research | Purposes of Nursing Research |
Nursing Research –Challenges and Opportunities | Current Trend in Nursing Research | Nursing
Process | Advanced Practice Nurse | Paediatric Nursing | Role of Advanced Practice Nurse |
Nursing Theory | Midwifery | Qualitative Nursing Research
Session Chair
Denise A Smart
Washington State University, USA
Session Co-Chair
Lois James
Washington State University, USA
Geriatric outreach and training with Care (GOT Care!): An interprofessional
solution to enhance training for the healthcare workforce and improve outcomes for
vulnerable older adults
Millicent M Malcolm,
University of Connecticut, USA
Nursing students’ sleep patterns and perceptions of safe practice
Lois James,
Washington State University, USA
Admission to discharge: Obstetric simulated clinical experiences
Cheryl L DeGraw,
Central Carolina Technical College, USA
The quality of nursing documentation in Tallinn children hospital
Eha Hõrrak & Mare Tupits,
Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Improving Afghanistan midwifery - professional activities during antenatal care,
labour and postpartum in North and East Afghanistan: Based on interviews during
professional training for Afghan midwives in Estonia, Tallinn Health Care College
Kristina Krivats Arba,
Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Advanced practices: Concepts, divergences and challenges
Emília Campos De Carvalho,
University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of
Nursing (EERP-USP), Brazil
The lived experience of women with breast cancer in the surveillance phase of
recovery: A liminal process to healing
Patricia K Amado,
University of Miami, USA
The duty to care: Examining nurses’ ethical responsibility to report for work in the
face of disasters and extreme events
Dónal O’Mathúna,
The Ohio State University, USA & Dublin City University, Ireland
Nurse Anaesthetist students’ experiences of patient dignity in perioperative practice
Berit Taraldsen Valeberg,
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Very old people’s management of hearing and vision in daily life
Gro Gade Haanes,
University of the Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
Session Introduction