Page 84
Volume 3
Advanced Practices in Nursing
ISSN: 2573-0347
Advanced Nursing Research 2018
June 14-15, 2018
June 14-15, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
World Congress on
Advanced Nursing Research
Surveying the awareness rate of knowledge of elderly fall guideline and attitude towards guidelines
among the different levels hospital nurses
Wen Yan
Qian Chen
Sichuan University, China
To compare the status of the awareness rate of the guidelines on falls in the elderly and attitude towards the guideline
among nurses in secondary hospitals and tertiary hospitals in Sichuan Province.
FromApril to June 2017, a total of 800 nurses from 8 secondary hospitals and 8 tertiary hospitals in Sichuan Province
with a convenient sampling method were recruited to conduct questionnaire survey on the awareness rate of knowledge of falls
in the elderly and attitude towards guidelines for comparative analysis.
The awareness rate of all nurses on the knowledge of fall in the elderly was 26.3%, there was significant difference in
the awareness rate of the guidelines for falls among the elderly (22.6% vs. 29.9%, χ2=5.358, p<0.05) between the secondary
hospitals and the tertiary hospitals. The nurses’ attitudes towards the guideline between the secondary and tertiary hospital
were statistically significant [(54.60±6.39) vs. (58.06±6.88), t=7.291, p<0.001].
The awareness rate of nurses' knowledge of elderly fall guideline in the secondary hospitals and the tertiary
hospitals was low, nurses’ attitudes towards guidelines were both positive in the two level hospitals. It is suggested to use nurses'
positive attitude to guideline and train nurses in systematic professional anti-fall by setting guidelines for intervention of fall in
elderly patients in hospital so as to reduce the incidence of falls in hospitalized elderly patients.
Wen Yan is a Master graduate student majoring Geriatric nursing of West China School of Medicine, Sichuan University.
lengmeimeide@126.comWen Yan et al., Adv Practice Nurs 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2573-0347-C2-020