Page 76
Volume 3
Advanced Practices in Nursing
ISSN: 2573-0347
Advanced Nursing Research 2018
June 14-15, 2018
June 14-15, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
World Congress on
Advanced Nursing Research
The pursuit of hope: Hope and hoping in different nursing contexts
Vibeke Lohne
OsloMet University, Norway
This paper focus on experiences of hope and hoping in different clinical nursing contexts.
Hope is an important part of everybody’s life. However, less focus has been on similarities and differences on
experiences of hope in different contexts of suffering and health.
This study of synthesized empirical knowledge from twelve research studies was based on methods of concept
development. Findings from each study were compared to increase the typology and particular patterns of hope, clarifying and
modifying the essence of hope.
A synthesized understanding of the empirical findings revealed the following categories: despairing hope, uncertain
hope in the acute and critical nursing context, struggling hope, flexible and creative hope related to the context of rehabilitation
and universal and existential hope in the context of prevention and health promotion. The essences of hope which rose from
the different contexts were possibilities, expectations, destiny, vitality and freedom.
Vibeke Lohne is a Nurse and a Professor at University of OsloMet. She has a degree (Dr Polit) from University of Oslo and her main research focus is on hope, dignity in
critically illness and in the context of rehabilitation, and on family caregivers.
lohne@oslomet.noVibeke Lohne, Adv Practice Nurs 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2573-0347-C2-020