Page 78
Volume 3
Advanced Practices in Nursing
ISSN: 2573-0347
Advanced Nursing Research 2018
June 14-15, 2018
June 14-15, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
World Congress on
Advanced Nursing Research
Digital storytelling: Learning through storytelling in nursing education
Penny Gill
Robin Trust, South Africa
tory-telling is an ancient human craft handed down from generation to generation. Digital storytelling (DST), the modern
equivalent, is defined as a short first person multi-media video narrative that documents human life experience, ideas or
feelings through story-telling. Research shows that DST, if integrated appropriately into the curriculum, can promote student-
centered learning strategies such as reflection for deep learning, project-based learning, collaborative learning; development
of digital literacies and the effective integration of technology into teaching and learning. All of these can enhance student
engagement and contribute to student success. This paper is based on lessons learnt in an on-going DST project at a Cape
Peninsula University of Technology, in South Africa. This project followed the Centre for Digital Storytelling workshop model
which focuses on the collaborative sharing and developing of stories in so-called story circles and implemented participation
and learning techniques such as Community Maps (which are visual techniques to explore the students’ diverse backgrounds).
The project emphasized narrative, visual and digital modalities over text, in order to increase confidence levels in students with
low academic literacy skills levels. The researcher investigated the effectiveness of DST in teaching and learning amongst forty-
five first year extended curriculum nursing students, by drawing on students’ perceptions of the impact of DST as an alternative
teaching and learning method. Qualitative methods of collecting data were used, which included focus group interviews
with the students to elicit their perceptions on the effectiveness of DST for teaching and learning in nursing education. The
inductive method of analysis was used to analyze data. The paper will present the impact of this study for teaching and learning;
challenges encountered in the implementation of DST; and strategies for enhancing meaningful use of DST for teaching and
learning amongst extended curriculum nursing students, as well as recommendations for future use.
Penny Gill has been a Nurse for over fifty years in Cape Town, South Africa. Recently she retired as a University Lecturer. She is a Pediatric Nurse and has been a Nurse
Educator since 1986. Her special interests are curriculum design and the use of innovative teaching strategies using educational technology. Since 2008 she has been the
Coordinator of an Extended Nursing Curriculum Program at a Cape Peninsula University of Technology where previously educationally, disadvantaged first year degree
nurses complete their first year over two years. This program has enabled her to spend time with her students in developing various teaching strategies using modern
technology to help the students engage with the curricular content using guided constructivism. The students then successfully integrate into the second year mainstream
degree program.
pennyparch@gmail.comPenny Gill, Adv Practice Nurs 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.4172/2573-0347-C2-020