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Volume 7

Innovative Energy & Research

ISSN: 2576-1463

Advanced Energy Materials 2018

August 13-14, 2018

August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland



International Conference on

Advanced Energy Materials and Research

Support less Ag-Rh bimetallic nanostructures as efficient cathodic electro catalyst for di oxygen

reduction in alkaline fuel cells

Il Shik Moon


, B Narayanamoorthy



S Balaji

1, 2


Sunchon National University, South Korea


Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya, India


he non-platinum d-block elements can be employed as ORR electrocatalysts due to their catalytic activity which help us to

reduce or replace the usage of expensive precious metal catalysts in alkaline fuel cells. A number of cathode electrocatalysts

are available such as non-platinum metals (Ag, Au, Pd, etc.) and the non-noble metals (Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, etc.) but they either

suffer from low activity or poor stability. Among the noble metal electrocatalysts, Ag is relatively inexpensive (ca. 1% the price

of Pt), abundant and reasonably active catalyst with moderate stability and therefore, Ag is an attractive choice for enhancing

the kinetics of oxygen reduction in alkaline medium. The redox potential of Rh3+ to Rh is 0.76 V whereas the redox potential of

Ag+ to Ag is 0.8 V. The electrochemical activity of pure Rh is very poor but it could provide the additional stability when mixed

with other catalyst materials. Hence, formation of Ag-Rh nanostructures may provide to be useful approach for improving the

stability in a cost effective way. Silver-rhodium (Ag-Rh) nanostructured electro catalysts were synthesized by one step chemical

reduction method and used to catalyze the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in an alkaline medium. The crystalline nature

was ascertained by x-ray diffraction (XRD), elemental composition was estimated by energy dispersive spectroscopy and

morphology was confirmed high resolution transmission electron microscope. The electrochemical properties were studied

by cyclic and linear scan voltammetry techniques under hydrodynamic conditions. The supportless Ag-Rh catalyst exhibited a

good catalytic activity for ORR and the quantified values in terms of higher mass and intrinsic activities were determined to be

951.7 mA/mg and 1.45 mA/cm


respectively. Accelerated durability test revealed that the catalyst could withstand nearly 7000

potential cycles with 5% increment in limited current density while retaining nearly 70% of its initial electrochemically active

surface area. This study indicates the superior activity and stability of Ag-Rh (compared to Ag-Rh/VC) undoubtedly places it

as one among the promising electrocatalysts for ORR in alkaline medium.

Fig. 1

XRD patterns of supportless and VC supported Ag-Rh catalyst & SEM image of Ag-Rh catalyst.

Recent Publications:

1. Slanac D A, Hardin W G, Johnston K P, Stevenson K J (2012) Atomic ensemble and electronic effects in Ag-rich Ag-

Pd nanoalloy catalysts for oxygen reduction in alkaline media, Journal of American Chemical Society 134:9812-9819.

2. Bin F, Jin L, Peter N, Rameshwori L, Derrick M, Bridgid W, Xiang H and Chuan-Jian Z (2009) Nanostructured PtVFe

catalysts: Electrocatalytic performance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Electrochemistry Communications


3. Nguyen S T, Law HM, Nguyen H T, Kristian N, Wang S, Chan S H, Wang X (2009) Enhancement effect of Ag for Pd/C

towards the ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media, Applied Catalysis B, 91:507-515.

4. Narayanamoorthy B, Balaji S, Sita C, Pasupathi S, Eswaramoorthy M, Il-Shik Moon (2016) Enhanced Intrinsic Activity

and Stability of Au-Rh Bimetallic Nanostructures as a Supportless Cathode Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction in

Alkaline Fuel Cells, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 4:6480-6490.

Il Shik Moon et al., Innov Ener Res 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463-C1-003