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Volume 7

Innovative Energy & Research

ISSN: 2576-1463

Advanced Energy Materials 2018

August 13-14, 2018

August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland



International Conference on

Advanced Energy Materials and Research

Experimental analysis of the behavior of OM37 phase change material during discharge stage

Arvind Kumar


Vikram Soni

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India


olidification of phase change materials (PCMs) in thermal energy storage (TES) systems, in general, constitute a challenging

research area due to numerous intricacies involved in the process. In PCM based TES systems, the stability of these materials

during the discharging stage is one of the main concerns. One of the major contributors to this key problem is the existence of

undercooling (also referred to as subcooling or supercooling of the liquid) during the energy discharging stage (solidification

of the PCM). It not only degrades the thermal performance of the TES system but also causes the system prone to failure due

to repetitive thermal shocks. To capture the effect of undercooling on the system performance, an experimental investigation

of discharging stage in a PCM based TES system is performed. The transient real-time temperature distribution within the

cavity is measured by making the cavity instrumented with thermocouples. In addition, various solidification characteristics

visualization and measurement in real-time (for example, solidification interface, mushy zone, etc.) are captured using High-

Speed imaging. An interesting phenomenon of the formation of dendritic flakes and their detachment from the developing

mushy zone is observed. The detached dendritic particles provide many nucleation sites for the initiation of the solidification

in the domain. The insights from the current study of solidification process of OM37 PCM during the energy discharge stage

delineated really important insights to avoid failure of TES systems.

Innov Ener Res 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463-C1-003