Volume 4, Issue 3 (Suppl)
Adv Crop Sci Tech
ISSN: 2329-8863 ACST, an open access journal
Page 73
Plant Genomics 2016
July 14-15, 2016
July 14-15, 2016 Brisbane, Australia
International Conference on
Plant Genomics
The effect of biofuel production on sustainability of agriculture
Andrzej Wasiak
Bialystok University of Technology, Poland
uring recent years biomass become considered as a resource that should satisfy various needs of human society. The food,
construction materials as well as energy are supposed to be harvested from this resource. Obviously not total demand can be
covered basing only on biomass, but its contribution is expected to increase. It is worth, therefore, to estimate limits of this growth,
as well as factors determining those limits. The present paper is confined to the analysis of biomass as a source of energy. The main
task is to estimate energetic efficiency of agricultural processes. The energetic efficiency is understood as the ratio of the amount of
energy obtained from biofuels, produced basing on crops from particular region, to energy inputs required to facilitate all subsidiary
processes assuring functioning of production processes. Based upon earlier works conducted by the present author, the mathematical
model of energy efficiency of biofuel production is extended to more general form aiming to describe the effects of exclusion of a
fraction of crops from food production towards biofuel production. The derived model gives quantitative relations between energy
efficiency of “energetic plantations”, energetic efficiency of industrial biofuel processing plants and energy demand of other types
of agricultural production. Investigations are aimed towards determination of the role of biomass as a source of energy and the
possibility of assuring energetic self-sufficiency of agriculture, as well as its effect on global energy demand. The potential role of
modern biotechnology applied to “energetic” biomass production is also considered.
Andrzej Wasiak has completed his MS in 1961 in Chemistry (X-ray Crystallography) from Polish Academy of Sciences, PhD in 1974 in Technical Sciences/Polymer
Physics, DSc in Materials Science (2000) from the University of Warsaw, Poland. He has also worked at Research Institute of General Chemistry in Warsaw
(1964-67), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (1968-2000). Since 2000, he is a Professor at Bialystok Technical University and Visiting Scientist
at the University Massachusetts, USA, Kyoto University, Japan, the University of Duisburg and also a Fellow of the Committee of Production Engineering Polish
Academy of Sciences. His scientific interest includes experimental studies and mathematical modeling of transitions occurring in technological processes like
energy demand, material’s structure formation, etc.
andrzej.wasiak@gmail.comAndrzej Wasiak, Adv Crop Sci Tech 2016, 4:3 (Suppl)