Volume 4, Issue 4(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther 2016
ISSN: 2332-0877, JIDT an open access journal
Page 96
Infectious Diseases 2016
August 24-26, 2016
August 24-26, 2016 Philadelphia, USA
Infectious Diseases
Joint Event on
World Congress on
Pediatric Care & Pediatric Infectious Diseases
International Conference on
An unusual cause of abdominal pain in a post-menopausal woman with advanced cancer
Gabriela Sanchez Petitto
, Rosbel M Brito
Gabriel M Aisenberg
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA
Houston Methodist Hospital, USA
67-year-old post-menopausal woman with advanced stage histiocytic sarcoma of the pelvis, presented with 4-day history of
abdominal pain and fever. She had local tumor invasion to bladder and cervix requiring bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy
tubes. She received chemotherapy and radiotherapy with partial tumor regression. On examination she had an enlarged suprapubic
mass and foul-smelling vaginal discharge. A computed tomography (CT) scan demonstrated a large cervical mass occluding the
cervical os, causing dilatation of the endometrial cavity, doubling its size compared to one month prior. The patient was started in
broad spectrum antibiotics and a cervical catheterization was intended unsuccessfully. A CT guided percutaneous uterine drain was
placed in her abdomen and purulent drainage grew
Prevotella loescheii
. Blood and urine cultures were negative. She was discharged
under oral sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim and metronidazole with clinical improvement. In the subsequent months she underwent
chemotherapy and radiotherapy and required long-term percutaneous drainage. Pyometra is defined as the accumulation of pus in the
uterine cavity and thought to be a result of interference with the natural drainage of the uterus. Symptoms are non-specific and easily
misdiagnosed. Diagnosis can be made clinically by drainage of pus from the uterine cavity and with imaging. Treatment includes
drainage along with antibiotics to cover microorganisms such as
Lactobacillus iners
spp., and
Lactobacillus crispatus
. Vague
abdominal symptoms in a post-menopausal woman with pelvic malignancy should raise concern for pyometra and prompt treatment
has to be instituted to prevent the development of the most catastrophic complication; uterine perforation.
Gabriela Sanchez Petitto has completed her MD from the Universidad Central de Venezuela, School of Medicine. She is currently a Postgraduate student of Internal
Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. She has worked in several projects with hematological malignancies and in the upcoming future with
antibiotic resistance projects.
Gabriela.SanchezPetitto@uth.tmc.eduGabriela Sanchez Petitto et al., J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:4(Suppl)