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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-952X

World Biotechnology 2017

December 04-05, 2017



World Biotechnology Congress

December 04-05, 2017 | Sao Paulo, Brazil

Genomics and epigenetics with 2D material nano-electronics


n this talk, I will review some basic properties of cell biology, and present a scenario that integrates biology with MOS nano-

electronics for genomics and bio-medical applications. This scenario involves probing the electrical activity of biomolecules

passing through a nanopore, in a semiconductor membrane. Among solid-state porous membranes the use of the single-

atom thickness of graphene or novel 2D materials like MoS2, are ideally suited for DNA, RNA or proteins sensing as they can

scan molecules passing through a nanopore at high resolution. Additionally, unlike most biological membranes, these new

materials are electrically active, which can be exploited to manipulate in addition to sense biomolecules. We will describe a

membrane designed as a quantum point contact FET as a viable device for electronically and optically sensing bio-molecules

for applications in genomics and cancer detection.


Jean Pierre Leburton has joined the University of Illinois in 1981 from Germany, where he has worked as a Research Scientist with the Siemens A G Research

Laboratory in Munich. In 1992, he held the Hitachi LTD Chair on Quantum Materials at the University of Tokyo, and was a Visiting Professor in the Federal

Polytechnic Institute in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2000. He is involved with research in nanostructures modeling and in quantum device simulation. His present

research interest encompasses non-linear transport in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes, and molecular and bio-nanoelectronics. He is the author and co-

author of more than 300 technical papers in international journals and books, and served in numerous conferences committees.

Jean Pierre Leburton

University of Illinois, USA

Jean Pierre Leburton, J Biotechnol Biomater 2017, 7:6 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-084