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Volume 8

Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy

Page 22




June 20-21, 2019 Dubai, UAE

Joint Meeting on




World Congress on Traditional & Complemenatry Medicine



International Conference on Herbal & Traditional Medicine

Traditional Med Meet 2019 &

Herbal Traditional 2019

June 20-21, 2019

We have more possibilities to help or cure our patients in combination and personalised medicine.

• Ivabradine – recommended if patients are in sinus rhythm with a HR>70bpm

• Hidralasine and isosorbid dinitrat – recommended as alternative to ACEIs/ ARBs if neither is tolerated,

or if the patient remains symptomatic despite treatment BB, ACEIs (or ARBs) and MRAs

• Digoxin – recommended if patients associated atrial fibrillation of flutter with increased ventricular

response, or if the patient is in synus rhythm bur intolerant to BB, or remains symptomatic despite

treatment BB, ACEIs (or ARBs) and MRAs

• Nutritional supply by Q10-coenzyme, B1 vitamin, carnitine and taurine.

Thediuretic treatment inpatientswithHF isonly recommended for congestive symptoms relieveandmaintaineuvolemia.

While the pharmacological arsenal of HF with reduced LVEF is nowadays vast, in patients with HF with

preserved or mid-range LVEF no treatment has proved reduction in mortality or morbidity. IN this patients

diuretic treatment is recommended for symptom relieve, treatment of associated co-morbidities (HT, CAD,

AF, etc). In conclusion, the pharmacological treatment available today has improved the morbi-mortality and

functional capacity of HF patients, but due to its inherent limits, a significant proportion of patients remain

symptomatic with frequent re-hospitalizations, an limited functional capacity and still a high mortality rate.


Sahinbas Hüseyin is a Specialist in Radiotherapy, Radiology and Palliative Medicine. He has completed his Diploma in Biological and

Complementary Cancer Medicine. He is currently the President of the German Society for Hyperthermia e.V. (DGHT). He has published

several articles and held over 250 lectures at national and international congresses. He works parallel as a Senior Physician in Radiotherapy

at a University Hospital in Bochum.