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Volume 3, Issue 1 (Suppl)

Toxicol Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067 TYOA, an open access journal

Toxicology Congress 2017

April 13-15, 2017

April 13-15, 2017 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

Natural products as drug leads for neurodegenerative diseases; Alzheimer and Dementia

Heba Handoussa, Reham Wagdy, Alaa Selim, Reham AbdelKader, Nabila Hamdi


Nesreen El Sayed

German University in Cairo, Egypt

Statement of the Problem:

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Dementia are multifactorial neurodegenerative disorders driven

by various pathogenic events with neuroinflammation and oxidative stress. Phenolics are widely known for their different

beneficial characteristics, they could be considered as promising therapeutic agents against neurodegenerative diseases.


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the potential effect of some Egyptian medicinal plants;

Bauhinia variegate (Bv)

and Egyptian Nutraceuticals;

Corchorus olitorius

(Co) &

Majorana hortensis

(Mh) to ameliorate neuroinflammation and

amyloidogenesis accompanied by these neurodegenerative diseases.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:

Several parameters were used to evaluate the phenolic content in these medicinal

plants; cognitive impairment


assessment of neurobehavioral tests, neuroinflammation and oxidative stress which are

characteristic features of neurodegenerative diseases.


Bauhinia variegata

showed significant improvement in neurobehavioral even with the least dose studied; 50 mg/

kg in Y-maze through enhancing mean % alternation by 57.55% and reduction in Aβ42 levels was observed with same dose

of 39.89% and increment of superoxide-dismutase level by 80% while

Corchorus olitorius & Majorana hortensis


improved recognition memory that was shown to be altered in the LPS group and COX-2 inflammatory markers were reduced

by (CO) and (Mh) compared to the LPS group proven by

immunohistochemistry investigation.

Conclusion & Significance:

These findings suggest that

phenolics within these medicinal plants may be useful

in protection against Dementia and neuroinflammation

through enhancement of cognition and limiting

neurodegeneration and modulating the proinflammatory



The high edible phenolics intake

could be prophylactically protective against several

neurodegenerative diseases.

Recent Publications :

• Sobeh M, ElHawary E, Labib R, Handoussa H and Ayoub N (2016) Identification of phenolic secondary metabolites from

Schotia brachypetala

Sond. (Fabaceae) and demonstration of their antioxidant activities in

Caenorhabditis elegans

. PeerJ,

PubMed 27896020.

• Farag M, Handoussa H, Fekry MI, Wessjohann LA (2016) Metabolite profiling in 18 Saudi date palm fruit cultivars and

their antioxidant potential


UPLC-qTOF-MS and multivariate data analyses. Food Function 7 (2): 1077-86.

• Handoussa H, Mandour Y, Swilam N Hanafi R and Mahran L (2015) Structural docking studies of COX-II inhibitory

activity for quercetin metabolites derived from

Corchorus Olitorius


Vitis Vinifera

. International Journal of Food

Properties 2377-2384.

• Yara Hassaan Y, Handoussa H, El-Khatib A, Linscheid M, Sayed N and Ayoub N (2014) Evaluation of plant phenolic

metabolites as a source of Alzheimer's drug leads biomed research international. Article ID 843263.

• Handoussa H, Hanafi R, Eddiasty I, El-Gendy M, Linscheid M, Mahran L and Ayoub N (2013)

In vitro


in vivo


inflammatory and cytotoxic capacities of dietary phenolics isolated from

Corchorus olitorius


Vitis vinifera

. Journal of

Functional Foods 5 (3): 1204-1216.

Heba Handoussa et al., Toxicol Open Access 2017, 3:1 (Suppl)