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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Spine, an open access journal

ISSN: 2165-7939

Page 47

July 24-26, 2017 Rome, Italy


Spine and Spinal Disorders



International Conference on

Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases



International Conference on


Arbovirus infections of nervous system: Trends and threats

Mohammad Wasay

Aga Khan University, Pakistan


rthropod-borne viruses (arboviruses) are among the most important international infectious threat to human nervous system.

The neurological diseases thatmay be transmitted to humans in the traditional way by arthropods includemeningitis, encephalitis,

myelitis, encephalomyelitis, neuritis (including anterior horn cells and dorsal root ganglia), and myositis. Arboviruses are distributed

worldwide. However, different species have predilection for different geographical areas. Arboviruses are transmitted among vertebral

hosts by blood feeding arthropod vectors including mosquitoes, biting flies, mites, nits and ticks. Some of the well-known encephalitis

include West Nile encephalitis (WNE), Dengue fever encephalitis (DFE), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), Japanese encephalitis (JE),

Toscana encephalitis (TOE), Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF), Chikungunya virus encephalitis (CHIKV), Eastern equine

encephalitis (EEE), and Western equine encephalitis (WEE). The keys to prevention of arboviral encephalitis include reduction of

vector prevalence, reduction of amplifying of host susceptibility, avoidance of vector and reduction in human susceptibility through

the use of insect repellants or immunization. With the widespread resistance to chemical control of vectors, novel methods like

genetic control of vector populations are becoming increasingly important. The case fatality rate can range from <1% for LCE to as

high as 70% in EEE. The case fatality rate for JEE and SLE is up to 30%. Neurological sequelae of arboviruses can result in permanent

disability in as high as 90% of affected individuals depending on the virulence and type of the virus.


Wasay is currently a Professor of Neurology at Aga Khan University, President, Past President - Pakistan Society of Neurology, President, Neurology Awareness

and Research Foundation, Chairman -advocacy and awareness task force of World federation of Neurology, Editor- Pakistan Journal of Neurological sciences,

Chief Editor- Jahan e Aasab (Neurology public awareness magazine), Interim Director- Clinical Trials Unit and Chair- FHS research committee at Aga Khan

University. Dr. Wasay received several national and international awards for educational, research and advocacy activities, including Teachers Recognition Award

(American Academy of Neurology), Distinguished Teacher Award (Pakistan Society of Neurology), Outstanding Teacher Award (Aga Khan University), Gold

medal for research(Pakistan Academy of Medical Sciences), Advocacy Leader of the Year Award (American Academy of Neurology), Victor Rivera Award (UT

Southwestern Medical Center) and Lester R. Bryant Founders Award (Marshall University, Huntington, WV, USA). Recently, he was awarded fellowship of Pakistan

Academy of Medical science and Gold Medal in Health Sciences by Pakistan Academy of Sciences. He has held a number of leadership positions at prestigious

forums. At the international level, these include World Federation of Neurology Advocacy Task Force (Chair); International Subcommittee, American academy of

Neurology (Member); Board of Directors, World Stroke Organization (Director); and Public Relations Committee, World Federation of Neurology (Chair). He is

also serving as member, Technical advisory committee for Pakistan Medical and Research Council (PMRC). He has trained 33 neurologists (Fellows College of

Physicians and Surgeons) under his supervision (as CPSP supervisor). He has received 21 grants from various national and international agencies as Principal

Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator. His publication bibliography includes 144 papers in peer-reviewed medical journals. The combined impact factor of his

scientific publications is more than 374 and the collective citations exceed 1755. He has been an invited speaker and presenter at more than 88 international

conferences, with more than 100 presentations and lectures. He is an active reviewer of research grants and scientific papers for more than 25 journals and granting

agencies. His book “Fasting and health” is translated into Sindhi and English. He has travelled to 57 countries in all six continents. He has more than 70 media

interviews at TV channels, newspapers and web channels.

Mohammad Wasay, J Spine 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7939-C1-005