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Volume 7

OMICS Journal of Radiology

Radiology and Oncology 2018

July 16-17, 2018

July 16-17, 2018 Dubai, UAE

Radiology and Oncology



World Congress on

Interventional hemodynamic managements of hepatic encephalopathy associated with portosystemic shunts

Bhatnagar Shorav and Sharma Gagan

QRG Central Hospital & Research Centre, India


To describe various techniques for reduction/occlusion of the blood flow in gastro-renal/leino renal shunts for controlling

the arterial ammonia level causing hepatic encephalopathy and suggesting the best technique according to individual patient



In 11 patients, different technique of blood flow reduction in shunt was used according to size, shape and position and

origin of the shunt. Out of 11 patients, 8 underwent for shunt obliteration, 2 underwent for splenic artery embolization and 1

underwent for leino renal shunt reduction. For leino renal shunt reduction, a stent (preformed hour glass shape) was deployed

in shunt and multiple coils of varying sizes were deployed in the space between stent and shunt wall. For obliteration of shunts,

catheter was positioned deep inside the varix and after inflating the balloon sclerosing agent in the form of foamwas infused with

the goal of filling the full extent of varices. For reduction of flow in shunt, polyvinyl alcohol particles were infused in lower pole

branches of spleen. It causes decrease blood in splenic vein.


7/8 shunt obliteration, 1/1 shunt reduction and 2/2 partial splenic artery embolization showed significant reduction in

arterial ammonia level.


Ammonia level can be controlled by controlling blood flow through the shunts. Various interventional methods are

available and must select according to the size, shape and position of shunt.

OMICS J Radiol 2018, Volume 7

DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-022