Page 60
Volume 6, Issue 5 (Suppl)
OMICS J Radiol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-7964
Radiology and Oncology 2017
October 19-20, 2017
World Congress on
October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA
Radiology and Oncology
The utility of ultrasound elastography in placenta
Tomoya Hasegawa
Tokyo Medical University, Japan
lastography is used as a non-invasive imaging tool for assessment of the elasticity in biological tissue, and has widely applied for
breast and prostate to distinguish malignant tumor from the surrounding normal tissue. Recently, it was found that elastography
is also useful for evaluation of pathological change in noncancerous tissue, such as placenta. Placenta has an important role in
fetal development and maintenance of pregnancy, and its pathological change was correlated with major obstetrical disease, such as
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy or fetal growth restriction (FGR). The pathological finding of placenta in these patient showed
an acute sclerosis of the blood vessel and fibrosis of the villus. In this study, we prospectively evaluated an ultrasound elastography as
a new assessment tool for placenta. A total of 111 pregnant women who regularly visit our hospital received examinations including
elastography. After delivery, pathological examinations were performed in placentas. This study was approved by the Institutional
Review Board of our University (No. 2949). In results, a significant positive correlation was observed between the ratio of the elasticity
of the abdominal wall fat tissue and a Z score of birth weight (correlation coefficient, r=-0.39; p<0.01). Furthermore, white infarctions
were macroscopically observed in parts of the placenta, and incomplete infarction images of the villus were histopathologically
observed in the placenta of FGR as hard tissues using elastography. These results suggested that ultrasound elastography may provide
useful information on finding high risk pregnant women who need further evaluations, and could be able to reduce perinatal risk.
Tomoya Hasegawa has completed his PhD from Tokyo Medical University. He is the Instructer of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Tokyo Medical University.
ppppq999@gmail.comTomoya Hasegawa, OMICS J Radiol 2017, 6:5 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-7964-C1-015