Page 56
Volume 20, Issue 7 (Suppl)
J Psychiatry
ISSN: 2378-5756 JOP, an open access journal
Psychiatry and Mental Health 2017
November 20-21, 2017
November 20-21, 2017 Melbourne, Australia
International Conference on
Psychiatry and Mental Health
The positive and negative rumination scale: Development and preliminary validation
Hongfei Yang and Zhong Wang
Zhejiang University, China
our studies with data from 1671 students are presented describing the development and preliminary validation of the Positive
and Negative Rumination Scale (PANRS), a brief measure with 2 second-order factors: Positive rumination consisting of 2
first-order factors (i.e., enjoy happiness and positive coping) and negative rumination consisting of 3 first-order factors (i.e.,
suppress happiness, self-deny and negative attribution). Results from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed
the measure’s 5 first-order and 2 second-order factors structure. Moreover, correlation analyses provided first evidence for
the subscales’ differential validity: Positive rumination showed positive correlations with positive indicators of psychological
adjustment (e.g., life satisfaction) and negative correlations with negative indicators of psychological adjustment (e.g.,
depression), whereas negative rumination showed negative correlations with positive indicators of psychological adjustment
(e.g., life satisfaction) and positive correlations with negative indicators of psychological adjustment (e.g., depression). In
addition, all PANRS scores showed good reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) and temporal stability (test-retest). Overall the findings
suggest that the PANRS is a reliable and valid instrument to assess positive and negative aspects of rumination.
hongfeiy2004@126.comJ Psychiatry 2017, 20:7 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2378-5756-C1-030