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International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience | ISSN: 1522-4821 | Volume 20

November 26-27, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing and Healthcare

World Summit on

Applied Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health

International Conference on


The effectiveness of long distance smoking cessation programs

Thiago Amaro Machado, Alfredo Maluf Neto, Elton Yoji Kanomata, Andre Pires dos Santos


Ana Merzel Kernkraut

Hospital Israelitas Albert Einstein, Brazil


moking cessation programs are faced with unsatisfactory results due to high dropout rates, low effectiveness and high average

costs. In this scenario, the mental health team of a large Brazilian private hospital developed and conducted a research

on the effectiveness of long distance smoking cessation programs. The main objective is to demonstrate the effectiveness of

this service model in smoking cessation. The program´s duration is twelve weeks, with both psychological and psychiatrical

evaluations for the diagnosis and a treatment proposal. The assistance to the patient is conducted through electronic media.

Eleven weekly basis appointments are scheduled it. Motivation interview and preparation techniques such consideration of

barriers and benefits to change, counseling regarding about the advantages of decreasing the number of cigarettes until and the

definition of the smoking cessation day is used during the initial smoking cessation until the patient reaches the maintenance

stage. In psychiatric care, two electronic appointments are performed for a reassessment of the initially prescribed medication

(bupropion and nicotine patch). Sixty patients were treated during the research. In a preliminary analysis, there was an 18%

dropout rate with an overall rate of success in smoking cessation of 70%. For patients who completed treatment, this percentage

reaches 85.71%. In a preliminary analysis, researchers observed that the use of an electronic technology improves adherence

to the program since patients are able to maintain their normal daily routines, eliminating the loss of time to get to the

appointment, thus decreasing absenteeism and improving the effectiveness of smoking cessation. .


Thiago Amaro Machado is a specialist in Psychologists in hospital practice by Santa Casa de Misericordia. Psychologist reference of the in-patient areas in medical

and surgical and area of smoking cessation of the Hospital Israelites Albert Einstein. Graduated in Psychology from Pontifícia Universidade Católica-Campinas.

Thiago Amaro Machado et al., Int J Emerg Ment Health, Volume 20

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C5-024