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International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience | ISSN: 1522-4821 | Volume 20

November 26-27, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing and Healthcare

World Summit on

Applied Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health

International Conference on


Evidence supporting neurofeedback for substance use disorders

Tanju Surmeli

Living Mental Health Center for Research and Education, Turkey


ubstance use disorders interfere with daily-life activities and treated with psychological and pharmacological treatments.

Psychopharmacology and psychotherapy for their high rates of failure to meaningfully improve outcomes, saying it's time to

figure out how to develop "the next generation of interventions." A new route map has been drawn for the diagnosis and treatment

of psychiatric diseases. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)'s call for a more rigorous and evidence-driven approach to

mental health care. It is time that psychiatry moves away from its present focus on medications and takes a new direction that uses

other modalities of care evidence-based psychotherapies. Psychiatry and psychology are the only specialties that don't actually look

at the organ it treats. Patients deserve better. We need to devote our self to the efficient evidence-based diagnosis of disorders and

personalized treatments. After more than 70 percent of alcohol and drug users have completed medical treatment, they are beginning

to use alcohol and drugs again a few months later. The success rate of treatment with classical methods (drugs, psychotherapy and

AMATEM) is 20-44%. Sixty percent of heroin addicts go back to heroin and eighty percent of cocaine addicts go back to cocaine after

treatment. Eighty-seven percent of them use cannabis instead of using psychiatric medication used in treatment. New methods of

treatment are necessary and neuro-feedback (NF) is one treatment that seems to be effective in psychiatric disorders. I am going to

talk about the evidence supporting neuro-feedback for substance use disorders.

Int J Emerg Ment Health, Volume 20

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C5-024