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International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience | ISSN: 1522-4821 | Volume 20

November 26-27, 2018 | Los Angeles, USA

Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing and Healthcare

World Summit on

Applied Psychology, Psychiatry and Mental Health

International Conference on


Association between major depressive disorder and Alzheimer's disease

Lycia Siqueira Vilela

Pernambuco Health College, Brazil

Statement of the Problem:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) causes significant negative consequences in daily activities and

behavior and it is one of the most frequent behavioral symptoms in Alzheimer's disease (AD). The association between MDD and AD

is corroborated by several studies and these authors state that depressed patients, when compared to a control population that didn’t

have a diagnosis of depression, were double the risk associated with dementia. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship

between MDD and AD through an analysis of the scientific literature.

Methodology &Theoretical Orientation:

A literature reviewwas undertaken in the PubMed and Ebsco databases. Some publications

were selected between 2004 and 2018.


Some authors suggest that this is due to neurological impairment resulting from brain changes that occur during depressive

episodes. Others associate this greater vulnerability to neurodegenerative symptoms with the individual's genetic predisposition to

depression. However, the main pathogenesis of this association remains uncertain, suggesting the existence of several causal factors

for the impairment of executive functions in these diseases. Studies point out that there is also a relationship with other neurological

disorders such as Parkinson's Disease and Epilepsy. A mouse study conducted in China corroborates findings from previous studies

in Denmark and Spain. In these, the patient with MDD has a greater susceptibility to the development of Alzheimer's. A case study

from the literature has further demonstrated that this risk is increased according to the number of depressive episodes.

Conclusion & Significance:

There is a high comorbidity between MDD and AD. This association is multifactorial, including genetic

factors and brain changes, but the main cause remains unknown. TDM is related to neurological degeneration in the AD and also in

other disorders. Susceptibility to the development of AD is proportional to the number of depressive episodes.

Int J Emerg Ment Health, Volume 20

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C5-024