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Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress 2016

November 07-09, 2016

Volume 5 Issue 4(Suppl)

Clin Pharmacol Biopharm

ISSN: 2167-065X CPB, an open access journal



November 07-09, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA




Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress

Christina Yuen Ki Leung, Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2016, 5:4(Suppl)

Advanced clinical pharmacy system in a reformed hospital in China aiming to improve the quality

of patient care and to enhance the job satisfaction of the clinical pharmacists

Christina Yuen Ki Leung

The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital, China


he University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital adopts the good pharmacy practices from the West and has implemented

an advanced clinical pharmacy system. We have been using near-patients and near-doctors approach to provide high

quality of clinical pharmacy service to patients and healthcare professionals to ensure safety and efficacy of drugs use. The

clinical pharmacists join the doctor-led ward rounds regularly on selected wards such as ICU and Medicines Wards. For all

newly admitted in-patients, the clinical pharmacists carry out medication reconciliation and the information is recorded in

the electronic prescribing system permanently. They also check the in-patient prescriptions for clinical appropriateness using

approved reference sources. In addition, pharmacists involve actively in warfarin patient counseling service and in the stroke

clinical pathway for our in-patients. Since early 2015, clinical pharmacists have participated in the smoking cessation clinic,

pediatric respiratory clinic and diabetic clinic to provide patient counseling services. In addition, clinical pharmacists deliver

drugs-related talks for patients in the Cardiac Rehabilitation Centre and on Endocrine Ward regularly and have prepared

medication-related videos and patient leaflets. Furthermore, clinical pharmacists give talks to patients in the Out-Patient Forum

regarding drugs use for smoking cessation, drugs use in hepatitis B, safe use of insulin injection, effective use of inhalation

devices and medication safety in children including use of oral syringe. All these quality improvement plans are to enhance

medication safety and optimization of drugs use. Clinical pharmacists in China find this experience rewarding and have gained

lots of job satisfaction by noticing the positive impact on the quality of patient care.


Christina Yuen Ki Leung has completed two Bachelor degrees in England; Management Sciences degree followed by a Pharmacy degree. Following the registration

as a Pharmacist in England, she has worked in a number of teaching hospitals in London. After completing Junior Pharmacist training and the Postgraduate

Diploma in Pharmacy Practice, she spent 12 years as Women’s and Children’s Pharmacist, mainly specializing in Pediatric ICU, Pediatric Liver, Obstetrics and

Gynecology. She has published a number of articles including two articles relating to drugs use in pediatric liver diseases for UK children healthcare magazine. She

is also a registered Pharmacist in Hong Kong and currently working as a Senior Pharmacist (Clinical Pharmacy Service) at the HKU-SZH in China. She is also the

Honorary Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy at the University of Hong Kong.