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Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress 2016

November 07-09, 2016

Volume 5 Issue 4(Suppl)

Clin Pharmacol Biopharm

ISSN: 2167-065X CPB, an open access journal



November 07-09, 2016 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA




Pharma & Clinical Pharmacy Congress

Haydar Al-Tukmagi, Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2016, 5:4(Suppl)

The Iraqi board of clinical pharmacy

Haydar Al-Tukmagi

Baghdad College of Pharmacy, Iraq


ince the mid-nineties of 20th century, the Iraqi clinical pharmacists were trying to find their real role in hospitals. Although,

the one year clinical pharmacy program is good, but it is neither a specialized program nor hospitals residency and is not

recognized by Ministry of Higher Education. In addition, it does not cover the advances in medicine. Establishing of Board

Certification Program began to be the good idea since 2000. After 2003, with the well-known situation in Iraq, the idea was

rejected in 2005 by the Arabic Board for the Medical Specializations because of lack of such branch of study. The idea was

shifted to be as a branch of Iraqi Board of Medical Specializations which is one of Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and

Scientific Researches institutes. It was approved in 15-5-2011 as the first branch of such study in the region. The first 8 students

were registered and started the study on 1-10-2012 in Medical City Hospital in Baghdad after a competition of 87 pharmacists.

The 4 years training program for the resident clinical pharmacists depends on the American Board of Clinical Pharmacy under

supervision of more than 40 consultant physicians and 20 consultant pharmacists. Applying the pharmaceutical care plan for

patients in oncology, pediatrics and dialysis, besides the application of TDM and PK for drugs, are the main roles of the board

graduated in hospitals and it will be the corner stone for the new job description of pharmacists in hospitals that we lack.


Haydar Al-Tukmagi has completed his PhD from Baghdad College of Pharmacy in 2011 and he has been working as an Assistant Professor in Clinical Pharmacy

since 2012. He is the Chief of Clinical Pharmacy Department in College of Pharmacy-Baghdad University, a Team Director of Community Pharmacy Services in

Iraqi Pharmacists Syndicate since 5 years, Establishing Member of the Iraqi Clinical Pharmacy Association, Supervisor of more than 12 postgraduate students and

also a Consultant Pharmacist in MOH. He has published 17 papers in the field of clinical and community pharmacy.