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Volume 2, Issue 5 (Suppl)

Clin Pediatr, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-0775

Pediatric Nursing 2017

September 04-05, 2017

September 04-05, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Pediatric Nursing & Healthcare



International Conference on

Gaming approach in atraumatic care

Sema Bayraktar


Elif Koyuncuoglu

Bezmialem Vakıf University, Turkey


espite all advancements in the field of pediatrics, the treatments of disorder are still traumatic, painful and frightening for

the child. Therefore, atraumatic care is one of the new prominent concepts. Atraumatic care is a care approach that removes

or reduces the psychological and physical disorder suffered by children and their families. The procedures applied may induce

anxiety, despair, obscurity, fear and loss of control in the child and the family. Atraumatic care is based on the principle of avoiding

harm. Pediatric nurses should determine how many children should be protected where, when, how and why for the sake of their

psychological and physical well-being. In her conceptual model, Wong defined three principles for atraumatic care. The first is to

prevent or limit the child’s breaking away from family. The second is to develop the sense of self-control in the child and family.

And the third is to prevent bodily injury and manage the pain in order to ensure the child’s comfort. Also, in addition to Wong’s

principles, identifying stress factors for the family and facilitating to a common dialogue between family and health professionals

are also the concepts of atraumatic care. The main areas of practice of atraumatic care are pain, medication, reflexology, massage and

game. Game helps the children to relax, cope with stress, be aware of their condition, and express their feelings and opinion. Setting

up a small playground for hospitalized children relaxes both the latter and their families. Gaming approaches in atraumatic care

involve parents in the child’s treatment process and speed up recovery. When children play, they better tolerate routine examinations

and painful treatments. Therefore, playgrounds should be built in hospitals and equipped with medical toys. For instance, a hairless

baby doll, a baby doll with removable organs and a baby doll with stoma are examples of such therapeutic toys used to describe post-

chemotherapy condition, bodily structure and post-surgery condition of the child respectively. Therapeutic games and toys make it

easier for children to describe the events they experience in the hospital. At the same time, painting and story-telling activities help

children to express themselves. In conclusion, novel treatments and practices aimed at eliminating stressors in procedures applied to

children should be discovered. Atraumatic care is an innovative and up-to-date care approach where pediatric nurses can also deploy

their professional independent roles.


Sema Bayraktar completed her Graduation at Istanbul University in 2008, Master’s degree in Pediatric Nursing at Istanbul University and pursuing PhD in this

program. Between 2008 and 2009, she worked as a Pediatric Nurse in Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit at Baskent University (Istanbul) and worked as

a Neonatal Nurse in NICU at İstanbul University in 2009-2015. Since 2015, she has been working as a Lecturer at Bezmialem Vakıf University.

Sema Bayraktar et al., Clin Pediatr 2017, 2:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-0775-C1-005