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Volume 2, Issue 5 (Suppl)

Clin Pediatr, an open access journal

ISSN: 2572-0775

Pediatric Nursing 2017

September 04-05, 2017

September 04-05, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland

Pediatric Nursing & Healthcare



International Conference on

Prerequisites and obstacles for parental participation in taking care of hospitalized children: A qualitative

study in Iran

Parvaneh Vasli

Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran

Background & Aim

: Although family-centered care (FCC) is an accepted approach in pediatric nursing, there are still practices and

policies that limit parental participation in the care of their child. This qualitative study aimed to explore the nurses’ experience about

prerequisites and barriers of parental participation in pediatric care in Iran.

Materials & Methods

: This qualitative study was carried out using content analysis approach. 12 pediatric nurses were purposefully

selected from a pediatric hospital in Tehran, as a capital of Iran. Data collection was through face-to-face semi-structured interviews

until data saturation was finalized. Interviews were lasted for 1 hour with every participant. Data analysis was conducted using

content analysis.


: The results classified in two categories: Prerequisites and obstacles. Four themes emerged as prerequisites included: Gaining

parents’ trust toward nurses; giving the required information and education to the parents about care and treatment process; involving

the parents in caregiving process and; clarifying the parents’ role. The themes related to obstacles were emerged as: Lack of mutual

motivation and interest; ineffective management and; lack of confidence in the nursing profession.


: Findings revealed the prerequisites and obstacles of parental participation in caring for their hospitalized children.

Managers and nurses can take advantage of these findings to improve and strengthen parental participation in pediatric care units

during hospitalization.


Parvaneh Vasli is an Assistant Professor in School of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBMU). She completed her MSc

in Pediatric Nursing and worked in the Pediatric Nursing field for some years. She has also experience of teaching in Pediatric Nursing. She has published some

papers in Iranian and international journal. She is an Editor of an Iranian nursing journal.

Parvaneh Vasli, Clin Pediatr 2017, 2:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2572-0775-C1-005