Volume 08
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Parkinsons Congress 2018
May 14-15, 2018
Page 14
May 14-15, 2018 Singapore
Global Experts Meeting on
Parkinson’s & Movement Disorders
Triple ‘P’ for ‘P’: Fast facts, CDS regimes in parkinson’s disease
ames Parkinson described Parkinson’s Disease (PD) in 1817 which is now recognized as one of the commonest chronic
neurodegenerative disorders in the world with an annual incidence of 20 per 100,000 and up to 2% of population aged over
80. Typically, the condition leads to depletion of dopamine containing and other (serotonergic, noradrenergic) neurons leading
to the clinical expression of the classic motor symptoms of bradykinesia, tremor and rigidity while non-motor symptoms such
as olfactory loss, depression and dysautonomia also dominate. Dopaminergic neurons in the basal ganglia normally fire in a
random but continuous manner, so that striatal dopamine concentrations are maintained at a relatively constant level. In the
dopamine-depleted state, however, intermittent oral doses of levodopa induce discontinuous stimulation of striatal dopamine
receptors. This pulsatile stimulation leads to molecular and physiologic changes in basal ganglia neurons and the development
of motor complications. These effects are reduced or avoided when dopaminergic therapies are delivered in a more continuous
and physiologic manner. Studies in primate models and patients with parkinson’s disease have shown that continuous or
long-acting dopaminergic agents are associated with a decreased risk of motor complications compared with short-acting
dopamine agonists or Levodopa formulations. Continuous dopaminergic stimulation is a novel therapeutic strategy for the
management of parkinson’s disease, which proposes that dopaminergic agents that provide continuous stimulation of striatal
dopamine receptors will delay or prevent the onset of Levodopa-related motor complications. Most innovative, neoteric
treatment strategies that provide continuous dopaminergic stimulation can be achieved with triple ‘P’ treatment in the form of
transdermal patch, pump and continuous infusion therapies helps to combat this debilitating and denervating illness.
Vinod Metta got trained at Kings College Hospital, London and received higher Specialist training in Neurology and Movement Disorders at Imperial College,
University College London, Queen Square Hospitals, UK. He was awarded with prestigious Doctorate award for his research exploring pathophysiology and
treatment options of disabling non-motor symptoms fatigue and sleep in patients with parkinson’s disease, in collaboration with Kings and Imperial College London.
He is also a Recipient of prestigious Joint British Neurology and Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists 2016 Fellowship award. He has authored
and co-authored several papers published in high impact factor journals like prestigious Brain Journal and several book chapters in iconic
Oxford Textbook of
Clinical Medicine
and 6
editions) and his recent book on hidden face of Parkinson’s disease reached celestial heights. He has special interest in exploring and
pioneering biomarkers to investigate pathophysiology and treatment models in neurodegenerative disorders.
vinod.metta@nhs.netVinod Metta
Imperial College Hospitals, UK
Vinod Metta, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C2-038