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Volume 4, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Laser Opt Photonics, an open access journal

ISSN: 2469-410X

Optics 2017

November 15-17, 2017

November 15-17, 2017 | Las Vegas, USA



International Conference and Exhibition on

Lasers, Optics & Photonics

Rock wars, we can win with silicon


resent day technology does not provide detection and/or deterrence of small to medium size asteroids. Large asteroids can

be seen such as 2014The Beast which came close to the earth but interception and control is not possible. Just as important,

detecting this large asteroid three months before flyby was not enough time to deter. Cities could be evacuated but the global

economic damage of losing a city or country would be crippling. The Beast missed the Earth and knowing that asteroids

generally travel in orbit around the sun the Beast will be back. While we wait another Large Asteroid could show up. Not to

mention then 20+ nuclear blasts incurred since 2000 from small asteroids that were never detected until they hit the Earth.

If a rock does not vaporize totally then that is another problem. Fortunately, the Russian Asteroid fell into a lake instead of

through a crowded building. Even so over 1000 injuries and millions of dollars of damage occurred. This global bombardment

of rock wars has only begun. There is no need to continue traveling through life blind and defenseless to asteroids. There is no

need to rebuild if we detect and deter the asteroids. Humanity is at a crossroads with a tough decision to move forward with

aggressive plan of action. Even though life would likely survive after another close extinction, we are in a today where we have

advanced our knowledge of silicon optical technology to a point to where we can be proactive vs. reactive. We can study the

IR signatures of the asteroids such as with the GLAST Silicon Detector, add a new array of silicon space telescopes on different

orbits and space drones with silicon solar powered high energy lasers with a tested and proven material, Single Crystal Silicon

optics. SPIE Solution-Build a Space Qualified Silicon System that has only submicron thermal growth, subsecond thermal

equilibration low microyield, long term stability, does not creep, does not jitter, is radhard, is economical to build. The mission

life will be extreme due to having 100% solar power. We can work together globally as a family of the earth with each country

contributing funds and science as protective brothers and sisters. Successful detection and deterrence can lead to capture and

mining. We can use what could cause harm for good by mining precious minerals. Even possibly building a rock lined road

to another inhabitable planet for the future family millions of years down the road. Mankind is fundamentally a species of

builders and explorers. Why stop now?


Douglas R McCarter is the Technical Integrator of McCarter Machine and Technology Inc., founded in 1981. McCarter’s patented and proprietary silicon process-

es achievements were documented by published technical papers and over 50 oral presentations. In turn, he has won many awards, mentioned in,

Kiplinger Letter,

, Nasa Tech Briefs, New Mexico Optics, Missile Defense Briefs Open and Classified and recognized as the current world expert

in precision silicon components. He has served as Member of Editorial Staff of Advanced Optical Technology, in Munich Germany since 2012. In 2016, Dr. Babin,

USA Congressman District 37 and Leader of Nasa Funding, endorsed McCarter. In addition to over 3000 hours of Technical Schools, McCarter has been directly

mentored for six years by the late Frank Anthony, Bell Labs Silicon Director and past 10 years Roger Paquin, Perk and Elmer retired Materials Expert. He is one of

SPIE’s Inaugural 18 Senior Members, Editor Member on AOT, Advanced Optical Technology in Munich and Committee Member of OMICS Laser and Photonics.

Douglas R McCarter

McCarter Machine & Technology Inc., USA

Douglas R McCarter, J Laser Opt Photonics 2017, 4:4 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2469-410X-C1-017