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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Optom open access
ISSN: 2476-2075 OMOA, an open access journal
Ophthalmologists 2017
September 25-26, 2017
September 25-26, 2017 Dubai, UAE
Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting
Access to low vision services in a limited resource setting: Profile and barriers
Asik Pradhan
, Sanjeeb Bhandari
and Raju Kaiti
Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Nepal
Kathmandu University Hospital, Nepal
Visual impairment is one of the most common disabilities that degrade the quality of life. Visual rehabilitation
services may be limited due to a number of barriers. This present study seeks to identify the common obstacles to access low
vision services from patient's perspective and also to know the reasons for unwillingness to pursue low vision aids.
All the patients referred to low vision department of Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology (TIO) during the study
period were included. A questionnaire inquiring barriers to access low vision service was adopted, pretested and validated.
A complete proforma was used to collect information regarding demographic profile, best corrected distance and near visual
acuities, educational status, and occupation, causes of low vision.
Out of 135 low vision patients, 96 (71.1%) were males and 39 (28.9%) were females. The age range was from 4 to 85
years, with a mean of 32.4±21.34 years. 22.96% were bilaterally blind, 65.19% had moderate and 11.85% had severe visual
impairment. Retinitis pigmentosa (20.74%) and refractive error & amblyopia (14.81%) were the most common causes of low
vision identified. The reason for unwillingness to use low vision device was not practical enough (50.37%). Lack of awareness
(78.15%) was the commonly perceived barrier to access low vision services.
Eye care provider can help to decrease the barriers to access low vision services by educating patients in the early
stages of vision loss regarding the effectiveness of low vision rehabilitation and by making appropriate referrals.
Asik Pradhan has completed his Bachelor of Optometry in 2005 from Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Nepaland and Post-graduate studies from Amity
University, Haryana in 2016. He is a Consultant Optometrist at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology, Nepal. He has presented 2 papers at the national level and 1
poster presentation at the international level. He has 2 papers as second author and recently got the opportunity to deliver oral presentation in ISGEO meeting at
asikpr@gmail.comAsik Pradhan et al., Optom open access 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2476-2075-C1-005