Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Optom open access
ISSN: 2476-2075 OMOA, an open access journal
Ophthalmologists 2017
September 25-26, 2017
Page 32
September 25-26, 2017 Dubai, UAE
Ophthalmologists Annual Meeting
OCT in uveitis
To describe the EDI OCT features and its diagnostic value in various posterior uveitis diseases.
Vogt Koyanagi Harada disease, posterior scleritis, Ampiginous choroiditis, Behcet’s disease, ocular toxoplasmosis and
ocular tuberculosis were included in our survey.
VKH features: high serous RD, inward bulging of choroid, choroidal thickening and loss of vascular pattern of choroid,
RPE undulation, subretinal hyper reflective spots, septate in subretinal fluid. Remission is characterized by resuming vascular
pattern of choroid.
Posterior scleritis features:
very similar to VKH but RD is not high and although choroid is thickened, its vascular pattern is
not lost.
Ampiginous choroiditis features:
hyperreflective outer retina and some localized choroidal thickening (hyporeflective
choroid and hyperreflective outer retina)
Behcet’s disease and macular hole due to longstanding macular edema and vasculitis:
closing of macular hole with one
session of intravitreal injection of combination of bevacizumab and triamcinolone has been shown in images. The patient was
also started with immunomodulatory treatment.
Ocular toxoplasma features:
usually a choroidal nodule in the form of localized choroidal thickening and bulging is evident
in addition to a homogenous retinal hyper reflectivity in all retinal layers. This feature help in differentiating of toxoplasma
retinochoroiditis from CMV retinitis as choroid in the latter entity is not involved.
TB choroiditis:
Tubercle of the choroid and overlying exudative RD is shown in a case with proven pulmonary TB. Also,
resolving of the above features with treatment has been shown with EDI OCT imaging.
EDI OCT can be helpful in diagnosis of different posterior uveitis.
Nazanin Ebrahimiadib had her Fellowship in Vitreoretinal Surgery after completing Ophthalmology Residency in Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Her
field of interest is retina diseases, uveitis and immunomodulatroy therapy. She has established an infusion suit for chemotherapy of uveitis patients at Farabi Eye
Hospital. Working as a Faculty Member of Ophthalmology Department in the largest eye hospital of the country, she conducts several research projects to improve
patients’ standard of care and quality of life.
nazanin.ebrahimiadib@gmail.comNazanin Ebrahimiadib
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Nazanin Ebrahimiadib, Optom open access 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2476-2075-C1-005