Page 52
Volume 5, Issue 3 (Suppl)
Occup Med Health Aff, an open access journal
Occupational Health-2017
September 13-14, 2017
September 13-14, 2017 | Dallas, USA
Occupational Health & Safety
International Conference and Exhibition on
Occup Med Health Aff 2017, 5:3 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6879-C1-035
The importance of strengthening the function of the community health centers as the primary guard of
the public health services to increase the actual and valid source of information on occupational illnesses
in Indonesia
Fiqhi R Dengo
University of Sheffield, UK
ccupational illnesses are one of the problems in occupational health that receive grave concern in every industry, both in the
organized sector and the unorganized sector. However, in Indonesia, a weak attention from the government, private workers and
researcher on occupational health and the weak policies on occupational illnesses in industries, particularly in unorganized sectors,
has made the occupational illnesses in this area. As a result, the accurate number of incidence of occupational illnesses is hard to
find since they often not well diagnosed in the early stages. Also, nowadays, other nations recognize Indonesia as the country with
a limited and invalid source of information on occupational illnesses. Therefore, strengthening the function of Community Health
Centre (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) as the primary guard of the public health service in Indonesia is critical to do. Community
Health Centre is the first public health service that can be reached by all levels of the community, either low, middle, or high class
and has sufficient human resources so it can assist the diagnosis process and data collection of occupational illnesses. It includes
the activities such as placing human resources in accordance with its competence; collecting all working history data from the
community; conducting regular visits to the local community to detect the presence of occupational illnesses that are late to be
diagnosed; improving the occupational health and safety service; and collecting the data of illnesses routinely, either from the visit
result or examination result at Community Health Centre. The human resources needed for this activity are workers who have
a comprehensive level of understanding of occupational health and the science of epidemiology. The researcher believes that the
improvement of the Community Health Centre can bring a better change for Indonesia, especially in the field of occupational health,
in approximately 5-8 years to come.