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Volume 6, Issue 9(Suppl)

J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2016

ISSN: 2165-7904 JOWT, an open access journal

Obesity 2016

December 08-10, 2016

Page 16




Obesity & Weight Management

December 08-10, 2016 Dallas, USA



International Conference and Exhibition on

Metabolic syndrome and its worldwide epidemics: How hepatic inflammation and hepatic dysmetabolism

consort to determine obesity, NAFLD and insulin resistance


he last 30 years have registered a progressive and dramatic increase in the incidence of obesity in both developed and

developing countries. Metabolic syndrome represents one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions associated with

obesity, and it has been identified as predisposing to major cardiovascular complications as well as various forms of cancer

including liver, colon and breast cancer among others. Currently, 35.5 to 45% of the adult population, also adolescents and

children, are affected by obesity and clinical parameters typical of metabolic syndrome with some marked differences in terms

of age of onset and race, ethnicity and gender predisposition. According to the latest releases from the WHO, it is estimated

that approximately one billion people worldwide are obese and near 500 million are diabetic, or at risk of developing diabetes.

The underlying causes of increased obesity incidence are not completely understood, it is presently difficult to establish short-

and long-term health guidelines and therapeutic approaches that can help containing the progression and possibly reversing

the uptrend of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and their complications. The term ‘metabolic syndrome’ encompasses several

clinical and hematic metabolic factors that altogether raise significantly the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes and the

particular forms of cancer mentioned above. Liver steatosis, with or without inflammation (steatohepatitis) and progression

to NAFLD is considered pathognomonic of metabolic syndrome, and represents the most common clinical manifestation of

the disease. While the etiology of metabolic syndrome is most likely multi-facet, the condition is characterized by a major lipid

dysmetabolism within liver and adipose tissue as well as systemically, connotations that it shares with T2DM. Inflammation is

a key component of both pathologies, in that enhanced levels of inflammatory cytokines have been observed in the circulation

and within specific organs, in which they may impair insulin responsiveness and systemic glucose homeostasis. Altogether,

metabolic syndrome, NAFLD, obesity and insulin resistance posemajor financial and health burdens on the affected individuals,

and the medical and productive systems of the various countries. The predisposition to the various associated complications

and the financial costs relative to their treatments argue for the necessity to better understand the causes responsible for the

onset of metabolic syndrome and its complications and to identify more effective therapeutic and dietary approaches.


Andrea M P Romani completed his Medical Degree from University of Siena, Italy and his PhD from University of Turin, Italy. After completing his Post-doctoral

studies under Dr. Scarpa, he joined the Faculty in Department of Physiology and Biophysics at Case Western Reserve University, where he is currently an

Associate Professor. He has published over 90 peer reviewed articles in high profile journals together with numerous invited reviews and book chapters on “The

role of mammalian magnesium homeostasis in health and disease”. He is currently serving as an Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for numerous international


Andrea M P Romani

Case Western Reserve University, USA

Andrea M P Romani, J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2016, 6:9(Suppl)