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Volume 6, Issue 9(Suppl)

J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2016

ISSN: 2165-7904 JOWT, an open access journal

Obesity 2016

December 08-10, 2016

Page 43





Obesity & Weight Management

December 08-10, 2016 Dallas, USA



International Conference and Exhibition on

Calmodulin dependent protein kinase (CaMK)II activation by exercise regulates NRF-1 and its target

lipid oxidizing target gene,


in rat skeletal muscle


egular exercise increases oxidation of fatty acids in skeletal muscle. Exercise activates Calmodulin-dependent protein

kinase (CaMK)II, resulting in increased mitochondrial oxidative capacity. As such, exercise can curb accumulation

of excess lipids in adipose and intramuscular tissues that may result in obesity/type 2 diabetes. Lipid metabolism mainly

occurs in mitochondria regulated by NRF-1 and is controlled by a set of mitochondrial enzymes. For example, Carnitine

palmitoyltransferase (CPT)-1 is a rate-limiting enzyme in mitochondrial lipid oxidation that regulates the transport of long

chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane, resulting in ATP synthesis. On the other hand, acetyl-CoA carboxylase

(ACC)-1 is a mitochondrial enzyme that promotes lipid synthesis by providing malonyl CoA substrate for the biosynthesis of

fatty acids. NRF-1 is the major transcriptional factor of the mitochondria, the site for ATP generation from carbohydrates and

lipids. As such, mitochondrial dysfunction is crucial in metabolism of the cell. In order to investigate the amount of NRF-1



, ChIP assay performed. Exercise showed that the amount of NRF-1 bound


was ~1.3 fold increase compared

with the control group. The exercise + KN93 group did not show any significant change compared with the exercise group.

This result indicates that exercise-induced CaMKII activation increase the amount of NRF-1 bound


. With respective to

gene transcription, exercise group showed ~7.8 fold increase compared with the control group.


gene expression of the

exercise + KN93 group showed significant decrease compared with the exercise group.


gene expression of the exercise +

KN93 was similar to the control group. This result shows that CaMKII activation increase


gene expression in rat skeletal

muscle. With respect to mitochondrial integrity, mitochondria size of the exercise group increased by ~3.0 fold compared with

the control group, whereas the exercise + KN93 group showed significant decrease compared with the exercise group. Using

TEM we show that exercise-induced CaMKII activation increases mitochondria size in rat skeletal muscle and its integrity.


Emmanuel Mukwevho has completed his PhD in 2010 from University of Cape Town, South Africa in Anatomy and Cell Biology. He is an Associate Professor of

Biochemistry at North West University, South Africa. He has published both nationally and internationally in reputed journals and his specialty is in Obesity and

Diabetes where he led the Diabetes & Obesity Therapeutics Research group at North West University.

Emmanuel Mukwevho

North West University, South Africa

Emmanuel Mukwevho, J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2016, 6:9(Suppl)